Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 8, 2015

As the crazies are out in force across the intertubes to clear Moslems of all guilt in the Paris massacre by inventing yet another crisis actor theory, the Jews are going into overdrive to accomplish the same goal, using the same basic argument – “these aren’t real Moslems.”
The filthy kike-dyke Sally Kohn, who is apparently a commenter on CNN and is literally the most disgusting looking beast I have ever seen, has gone on a Twitter rampage in defense of the Hadjis, claiming that these were just a few nutjobs who could have been from any religion and this is not a declaration of war.
The weasel-faced carpet-muncher even went so far as to claim that “right wing” White people are the real terrorists.
Here is the CNN article linked, a vicious distortion written by two Jews. James Fulford did a full analysis of the claims here.
All other major Jew publications are coming out and blaming Europeans for the attacks, saying Europeans are worse than these Moslems, saying that our first duty is to protect Moslems from negative sentiment against them. They all have these stories at the top. That is the baseline analysis of the Jewish media – that the attack is the fault of Europeans and the real victims are Moslems.
Remember #IllRideWithYou, which turned out to be a forced meme pushed by the Jew media?
The rat Jews of had an apparent Moslem write an article blaming “Islamophobia” for the attacks.

This site “Mic” is saying it is going to strengthen the far-right, then starts saying far-right ideologies are terrorist in nature, even calling the Beer Hall Putsch a terrorist act.

Then put out an article saying we have to stop the right-wing from using the attacks to stir up hatred of Moslems and call for expulsions. They say this would have been against the values of the Charlie Hebdo dead themselves, which is probably true but totally irrelevant.

It is very important to the Jews to spin away responsibility for this attack away from the Moslems. These attacks threaten their entire multicultural agenda, which is why they spend such a vast amount of resources in spying on people to prevent them from happening.