Evil Jew Sheriff Israel Hit with No-Confidence Vote by Own Deputies

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 27, 2018

It was truly amazing to watch the evil Jew sheriff responsible for the Florida massacre manage to keep his job over the last months.

It was absolute Jew nepotism in action. If this man was not Jewish, the entire machine of the media would have gone into gear to crush him.

Finally, his own deputies rose up against him.

Daily Caller:

The deputies of Broward County have issued a stunning rebuke of Sheriff Scott Israel by voting “no confidence” in his leadership.

The deputies voted “no confidence” by a 534-94 margin and will ask Florida Governor Rick Scott to remove Israel from his position.

Sheriff Israel has faced intense scrutiny for the way he handled the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February.

Deputy Scot Peterson, the school resource officer on duty at the time of the shooting, waited outside when it was clear what was going on inside the school. It was later revealed that even after additional deputies arrived on scene, they waited behind their cars instead of entering the school and trying to eliminate the threat. The deputies were reportedly given an order to “stand down.”

Yes, because obviously they wanted this to happen.

Seriously – a stand down order in the middle of a mass shooting, when they knew it was a mass shooting, and the cops were outside ready to rush in.

I don’t know how else you frame that other than “this sheriff wanted as many people as possible to die in this shooting, for some reason.”

Occam’s Razor says it couldn’t have been just “incompetence.”

Then you add the fact that Sheriff Israel had received repeated warnings that (also Jewish) Nikolas Cruz had a big gun and was planning to shoot up the school, and appears to have gone to great lengths to ignore these warnings – come on.

Then after the shooting he comes out and acts like a hero – calling for gun control? 

Seriously – the only thing I can respect about this kike is that he’s a member of Hamas.

Then then role out these crisis actors.

I’m not even a conspiracy theorist and I attack conspiracy theorists in fact.

But this whole situation is absurd.

I mean – I just can’t even.