Evil Kike Wizard David Copperfield (David Seth Kotkin) Getting Metooed All to Hell

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2018

Another famous individual is getting the shit metooed out of him and get this – it’s a JEW.

Looks like he’s doing the Cosby method.

Japan Times:

A former teen model has accused illusionist David Copperfield of drugging and sexually assaulting her in 1988 after he judged a modeling competition in Japan that she took part in.

Copperfield, 61, said in statements on Twitter and Instagram on Wednesday that he had been falsely accused of sexual misconduct in the past and was about to “weather another storm.”

Hours later, entertainment news website The Wrap published the allegations by Brittney Lewis, who said Copperfield invited her to one of his shows in California after meeting her at the September 1988 competition when he was 32 and she was 17.

“Let me show you the trick where you pass-out and your hymen disappears, shiksa.” 

It was during that trip that she was drugged and assaulted, The Wrap quoted Lewis as saying.

“He was kissing my face and then I remember him starting to go down on my body with his face,” the website quoted her as saying. “I just completely blacked out.”

The next morning, “he wanted me to know that nothing happened because I was underage,” Lewis was quoted as saying.

Reuters was unable to independently confirm the allegation. Lewis could not immediately be reached for comment.

A Copperfield spokeswoman, Staci Wolfe, declined comment on Lewis’s account.

“As you know David made a statement about #MeToo on his social (media), but we are not going to comment about this story,” Wolfe said in an email, referring to the #MeToo online movement by victims of sexual harassment or abuse.

Multiple accusations of sexual misconduct against male actors, filmmakers and agents have roiled Hollywood since October 2017, leading to many major players being fired, forced to step down, or dropped from creative projects. In the United States, the scandal has also engulfed men in politics, business and the workplace, inspiring the #MeToo movement.

Copperfield was accused in 2007 of sexual assault by former beauty queen Lacey Carroll, but the case was eventually dropped with no official explanation.

I am starting to believe that this is actually going to happen to literally every single powerful Jew on the planet.

They are all so inbred that they all possess the same exact behavior patterns as each other, and one of those behavior patterns is molestation.

Even the handsome ones like James Franco – who can easily have sex with virtually any woman he wishes – must engage in weird, perverted actions that make girls feel creeped-out and abused.

This is presumably because the Jew is aroused not by simple sexual encounter, but by humiliation of the goyim.

tfw Jewish Media Not Accusing Metooism of Being Anti-Semitic

Something like 85% of high-profile metooings have been against JEWS.

Jews being only 2% of the US population, they are over represented 40-fold.

And yet, thus far the Jewish media have kept their lips sealed on the issue. They have not yet accused all of these women of being anti-Semitic. They haven’t even bothered to quote me as saying that the metoo movement will bring down the Jewish power structure once and for all.

Because they know, on some level, that by doing that all they will do is draw attention to the fact that these people are all Jews, and they do not think that these molester Jews are particularly sympathetic characters.

At the same time, Jews are pretty much incapable of NOT accusing anyone who questions them on anything at all of being an anti-Semite. So I guarantee it is coming, eventually. And when it comes, it will be a great opportunity for us in the anti-Semitic movement.

What You Can Do!

Keep going everywhere on the internet and talking about how all of the accused are Jews. Like, people don’t really know that Steve Wynn or David Copperfield are Jews. Keep pointing that out everywhere you can. The more that the Jews see that, the more they will be inclined to come out and accuse the whole Metooist movement of being an anti-Semitic and Neo-Nazi conspiracy against the chosen ones.