Evil Non-White Street Urchin Stabbed White Man to Death Over a Cigarette

Daily Mail
February 7, 2015

Alex Scott was stabbed to death after he refused to give a cigarette to a creature of unknown heritage.

A teenager has been jailed for life after he stabbed a man to death outside an off licence in a row over a cigarette.

Kai Steele, 18, was found guilty of murdering 26-year-old Alex Scott after he stabbed him twice in the chest when an argument erupted in an alleyway in south-east London last year.

Mr Scott had been on a night out with friends, where they had spent the early evening drinking and gambling, before making their way to the off licence at about 9.30pm on August 10, 2013.

A court was told Mr Scott collapsed on the pavement some 20 seconds after he threw the first punch – when a youth asked him for a cigarette.

Steele, who was just 17 at the time of the fatal attack, denied the charges at the Old Bailey but was told by Judge Timothy Pontius he would serve a minimum of 18 years in prison.

He said: ‘This is yet another example of an utterly needless and unjustified waste of a human life from a senseless decision by a teenage boy to put a knife in his pocket before leaving home.

‘As is so often the case, that knife was not taken out with any intention in the defendant’s mind to use it to cause anyone serious injury, still less to kill.

Negro mouth, paki hair, yellow skin, what is it? Its name is Kai Steele and it brutally murdered a White man.

‘Violence did break out, he did take out the knife and inflicted fatal wounds with such force they penetrated the aorta of Alex Scott.

‘His family lost a brother and son who was much loved for all his faults. I accept Alex Scott was not completely blameless. His attitude was aggressive and he was clearly worse for drink.

‘However the evidence does not establish the defendant was provoked, rather he was too ready to see Alex Scott’s behaviour as an invitation to fight.

‘The use of a knife can never be described as a reasonable defensive response to a punch.’

The Old Bailey heard that Mr Scott had been on a night out with friends when a youth outside an off licence asked for a cigarette. A row erupted and resulted in Mr Scott being stabbed in the chest.

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