If this doesn’t make you violently opposed to the gay agenda, you deserve to be hanged
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 11, 2013

An Australian man and some sort of Asian who is being referred to as an “American man” went to Russia and bought a baby for eight-thousand dollars, claimed it was from a surrogate mother, and then repeatedly raped the boy, letting their friends do the same.
The Daily Mail describes the situation thusly:
A man accused of making child pornography with a boy he and his Australian partner purchased in Russia for a reported $8000 was sentenced Friday in U.S. federal court in Indiana.
According to investigators, dual Australian-American citizen Mark J Newton, 42, and his partner Peter Truong, 36, used a falsified birth certificate listing Newton as the child’s biological father to adopt the boy and take him to their home in Cairns in Queensland, Australia.
Newton was sentenced to 40 years in an Indiana court, where the videos were found downloaded on a home computer after pleading guilty to conspiracy charges involving possessing child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor.
It goes on:
During the hearing, prosecutors said the charges stemmed from abuse that occurred when the boy was four to six years old. But prosecutors said they discovered video this week showing Newton using the boy for a sex act when he was less than two years old.
Investigators also allege the man and his partner took the boy to foreign countries where they allowed other men to abuse him, often recording the acts.
The videos were uploaded to an international syndicate known as the Boy Lovers Network.
The Boy Lovers Network is known to police as a forum for men who describe sexual abuse of boys between the ages of two and 10 as a form of consensual love between man and boy.
A video report from Australian news:
The truly shocking thing here is not that these gays were willing to buy a black market baby and then pass it around to be raped – it is that anyone would expect something different to happen.
We have an insane and completely Orwellian society, when it is supposed that deranged sexual deviants would want something other than sex from a baby boy. It is the opinion of this writer that those who support the homosexual agenda are as responsible for the rape of this child as those who committed the act.
Imagine the rest of this poor child’s life, what he is going to have to deal with emotionally and psychologically. How can this not break the heart of every White man and woman on the planet? How can supposed “rights” of evil, mentally ill degenerates be more important than the welfare of a little baby?
Hell is upon us, brothers.
At least Russia is dealing with the matter sensibly:
President Vladimir Putin has signed a bill that sharply limits the adoption of Russian children by people from countries that allow same-sex marriage.
The new law prohibits adoption by same-sex foreign couples whose homeland recognizes their union as marriage, as well as by single people or unmarried couples from those countries.
A Kremlin statement said the measure is intended to guarantee children a ‘harmonious’ upbringing and protect them from ‘complexes, emotional suffering and stress.’
The bill signed Wednesday is the latest move by Russia to buck the Western trend toward greater acceptance of homosexuality. On Sunday, Putin approved a ban on giving children any information about gays.
The adoption bill further shrinks the possibilities for 600,000 Russian children without parental custody. Last year, Russia banned all adoptions by Americans.
It is simply incredible that during the period when Russia is under such heavy attack internationally for their resistance of the faggot agenda, it is a Russian baby who is found to be subject to this sort of crime by the criminal queers.