Evil Rabbi Reveals the Jew Sucks Baby Penises During Satanic Circumcision Ritual

Michael Hoffman
Revisionist Review
February 10, 2015


As noted many times in this column, we’re in the “Revelation of the Method” era, where the Cryptocracy will, on occasion, openly confess how evil they truly are, and instead of doing something practical and significant after having received the revelation, we’re merely thrilled by it; that’s our usual response. The revelation becomes little more than grist for the “Can-you-top-this?” Internet sensation of the moment.  As soon as we’ve digested the shocking revelation, we’re insatiably hungry for more. Shocks were administered to Frankenstein’s monster to reanimate him, until he needed another shock in order to come alive. Modern man is very much like Frankenstein’s creature.

Back in the day, the Cryptocracy closely guarded the truth about its agents and operations, when Americans were spiritually healthy human beings, rather than the bestialized voyeurs and louts of our time. In that era, the Cryptocracy couldn’t afford to reveal their wicked acts, out of a real fear that their master plan would be set back or even overthrown if they did.

When we draw attention to these revelations, we get a substantive, sustained reaction and a desire to do something about what has been revealed, mainly from senior readers who are in their 60s, 70s and 80s — whose youthful formation was ennobling rather than depraved and degrading  — and consequently who are still human and capable of a human response.