Ex-Mother Slut Wants to Raise £14,000 in Crowdfunding to Replace Daughter Killed by Her Negligence

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
December 31, 2018

It’s always surprising to see the amount of people willing to rescue whores from their whoring-induced misery.

Daily Mail:

The mother of a four-year-old girl who died when a fireplace fell on top of her is crowdfunding for IVF treatment.

She should have had more kids. Why is this society’s problem?

Jessica Azadi suffered fatal head injuries when a marble fireplace which was leaning against a fence in her garden in Thornaby, Teesside, toppled over in September 2016.

Poor kid had no way of knowing her mother is a retard that allowed her to play in a very dangerous environment.

The little one is most likely the only good thing that ever came out of this disgusting, negligent, dried-up whore. And now it’s dead because of this same disgusting, negligent, dried-up whore.

Her mother Natasha Azadi, a 30-year-old maternity nurse, is now raising £14,000 to pay for treatment following the death of Jessica, her only child.

The negligent whore is a maternity nurse? The same whore whose daughter was killed by a dangerously heavy object she left leaning against a fence after she left her playing unsupervised?

She should have lost her license or whatever maternity nurses have.

Children have to be protected from this slut.

After her daughter’s death, Ms Azadi posted online: ‘I don’t even know how to begin to explain what me and Ben are feeling, our world has gone to the sky in a total freak accident that no matter how I play it in my head cannot be changed.’

She later said her ‘whole world had ended’.

Friends have now rallied to help Ms Azadi become a mother again and set up a GoFundMe page to raise £14,000 towards her total.

Ms Azadi, who is also working extra hours to raise money to fund the treatment, is using a sperm donor and ‘hoping for twins’

But she added: ‘But one will be a blessing for me.’

Sperm donor? What happened to her husband?

She told Teeside Live: ‘I always wanted more children and thought I had time and was still young enough.

Dried-up sluts freak out and wish they’d had had kids” is a common topic thanks to the Jews.

Sluts never seem to see the wall closing in until they hit it full-force and are splashed all over it.

Their youth is not meant to be used as a masturbation device. Their short-lived beauty is meant to allow their fathers to get them a good husband, and they’re meant to spend their fertile years in a constant state of pregnancy. Anything else brings them misery.

Once the beauty is gone and the years have taken their toll, it’s too late to cry.

‘But when I was still with Jess’ dad, I also knew I had fertility issues and had never explored the options.

Oh. Of course. Can’t really blame the guy for leaving her after she killed their daughter.

But this makes the whole situation worse. She has no man, and wants to be a single mother of twins.

This front-hole is insane.

Friends say Ms Azadi, who works as a nurse in London, ‘dreams to become a mum herself again one day’ and ‘deserves to hold her own baby in her arms once again.’

She deserves?

What does this negligent sterile slut deserve after her innocent little daughter died because of her being a shitty whore mother?

I’m not going to tell you what this bitch deserves. Instead, I’ll like to know what you think.

Ms Azadi had raised some £1,910 towards her £14,000 target nine days after the crowdfunder was set up.

Let’s see… her track record is a total of one motherhood endeavor and one motherhood failure.

Would you give money to someone with a 100% failure history?

Many people certainly would. Mostly thirsty males.

It’s far cheaper to give that money to hookers, and you’re guaranteed to get laid.

Easy, direct, efficient.

But apparently the soul-mate Jewish trick continues to do wonders.

Do you do things to try to win your dog’s favor or do you just order your dog around?

Don’t waste time trying to fix a whore. There’s plenty of new ones turning 18 every year.