Ex Swedish PM: “Sweden is Falling Apart”

Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
September 22, 2014

Nah, Sweden will be alright.  It's just going to be a Muslim country with no White people.
Nah, Sweden will be alright. It’s just going to be a Muslim country with no White people, that’s all.

The Swedish election results from the 14th of September has been a wake up call to the anti-White establishment.

The Sweden Democrats, opposed to mass immigration, has won 12.9% of the votes in a country where practically all the parties call for open borders. This means it’s now the 3rd most popular party in Sweden.

I think the success of the Sweden Democrats depends partly on the triangulation, the tendency not to take risks with policies, not to show the differences, which the Moderates introduced and the Social Democrats have also taken after.said the former Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson (from 1996 to 2006).

One [political party] lays so close to the other so that when [Swedes are] angry and resigned there is nowhere else to protest,

He said that places with “poor mobile phone coverage” and “trains that don’t run” were the areas that gave Sweden Democrats more votes, probably because the Swedish living there are fed up that their money is being spent on majority-immigrant areas while their areas receive less funding.

All of this has been expressed [by the voters]. Sweden is falling apart…

Now we have a very clear warning, a real slap in the face for the Stockholm establishment in the form of these election results.

Despite being shouted at and guilt-tripped on a daily basis, the people are starting not to care what horrible names they are called.

Persson is right, his Sweden is falling apart – his Sweden is a place where holding the wrong opinion on immigration is a taboo.

The reason why Sweden has a policy of mass non-White immigration and forced “diversity” is because it is ruled by those who want to get rid of White people, or at the very least turn us into a minority. It is nothing more than a policy of White genocide.