Stuff Black People Don’t Like
December 29, 2015
One of the governing rules of Black-Run America (BRA) is this: any act by an individual black person or collective action by black people, however horrible, must immediately be explained away by the media – if not outright censored – and eventually be excused away by politicians, bureaucrats and law enforcement officials.
Case in point: the 2,000+ black people who rioted in a mall in suburban Louisville on December 26. The Mall St. Matthews was shut down because of the black-in-origin disturbance forcing the law-abiding to seek a “safe haven” in stores with the metal gates down…

An event making even the zombies in Dawn of the Dead blush from the sheer stereotypes it sought to confirm, the Mahogany Mob violence at the Mall St. Matthews was confirmed as being bad enough on calls over police dispatch for requests of “we need help. We need people over here,” resulting in 50 officers from multiple agencies converging on the mall to restore order.
Don’t worry though, as the white mayor of St. Matthews immediately blamed the black terrorism on “boredom“:
Mayor Tonini says it’s likely the teens didn’t have anything better to do that night, and the mall became the hangout spot. He says he doesn’t believe the kids meant any harm and supports police for not making any arrests.
“When you were 14, 15, or 16 years of age and had nothing to do on a Saturday, you’d look for something to do,” said Mayor Tonini. “I don’t think anyone left their home with the idea that they were going to do any harm. The only real harm that was done was stores had to close early.”
But it gets much better, with police now downplaying the size of the disturbance individual black people collectively contributed to on Dec. 26:
St. Matthews police are tempering their initial estimate that up to 2,000 juveniles were involved in a Saturday night disturbance that shut down a popular shopping center.
The original claim of 2,000 teenagers “was obviously a guess” and there was likely an overlap from officers who had witnessed different groups of teens, some numbering up to 25 and others ranging from 50 to 100, St. Matthews police spokesman Dennis McDonald said Monday
Obviously just a guess…
Pravda during the deepest, darkest days of Soviet Russia had absolute nothing on the sheer dishonesty, obfuscation, and excuse making the mainstream media has for covering up the extreme anti-social behavior of blacks. Virtually every elected official, appointed bureaucrat or career public servant in Black-Run America (BRA) is a full-time Apparatchik to the cause of black empowerment – meaning they are fully committed to the dismemberment of the civilization white people built.