Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 8, 2015

The man formerly known as Gavin McInnes – now commonly known as “Gav” McCuck – has gotten himself into a predicament from which there is only one logical exit strategy. He must play off his recent shilling as an ironic joke.
Recently, McCuck made a video about the cuckservative meme wherein he appeared to be openly shilling for the Jews and the Blacks, attempting to redefine the cuckservative meme as being about… it wasn’t clear what he was trying to make it about. It was only clear that he was trying to make it not about Jews and Blacks. It was also clear that everyone hated it.
Over the last months, McCuck has become popular with the young lads known as the shitlords, alternately known as the anti-cucks. Even while becoming popular among this key demographic, due to his mockery of feminists and Blacks, he was also achieving stardom on Fox News, a demographic of geriatrics who still sit and watch cable television stations which have commercials (something which is not done by people under 65).
Clearly, one of these demographics – that of the young anti-cuck shitlord, is a key demographic, which is expanding rapidly. The other demographic – that of the Fox News and Rush Limbaugh geriatric – is rapidly shrinking, due to dying of cancer and natural causes associated with old age.
Some of these old Fox Newsers are cuckservatives, some are perhaps hardcore bastards. Their specific orientation is irrelevant, however, as they will soon all be dead.

Gavin was in a position where he could choose to become a hero to the exploding young White radical demographic by taking on the issues none of the old guard will take on: in particularly, the cuckoldry of the mainstream “conservative” movement, which involves a sick obsession with shilling for everyone else but Whites.
McCuck apparently is not in possession of a very savvy team of media analysts. Perhaps he is getting advice from diabolical Jews. I don’t know.
What I do know is that by choosing to align himself against the young up-and-comers of the anti-cuck movement, instead siding with Fox News shills for Israel, he has relegated himself to doom.
But Perhaps There is a Way Out of This Unfortunate Predicament?
McCuck was a prime founder of what is known as hipsterism. This particular subculture is known for stacking irony upon irony in such a confusing manner that no one ever knows if someone is being serious or mocking people who are serious.
Because of this, McCuck could easily claim that his recent shilling for Israel and the Blacks was part of a sick joke which only he was in on. Such a maneuver would require precious little effort.
Yesterday, McCuck retweeted this tweet which was mocking him as a cuck:
@Gavin_McInnes @stormer9k
— FallsCitySaint (@FallsCitySaint) August 7, 2015
What does it mean? Perhaps, it means that his cuckoldry was part of an ironic trolling. Perhaps, he doesn’t truly love the idea of transferring all White resources to Jew-Israel, and perhaps he was simply listing off “Black conservatives” as part of a joke along the lines of “this is the best you Blacks can do?”

Or perhaps his shilling was serious. But it wouldn’t matter if it was or wasn’t, as he can easily play it off as though it wasn’t. This would require boldness, however. Extreme boldness, of a kind which has not been seen since the days of Mel Gibson.
The fact is, that as an edgy cynic, McInnes has a very slim chance at being successful in the dying cuck-zone of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, but could indeed be a very popular and celebrated anti-cuck if he made the jump into the land of the shitlord.
This would be an all-or-nothing jump. With no parachute. But the payoff, should he land safely, would be astronomical.
The choice is his.