Expectations for President Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 26, 2017

Well, it’s happened.

Donald Trump is President.

It’s put me in a position which is a little bit complicated. We have all played up Trump to a level that he cannot possibly live-up to. At the same time that he is unlikely to become an actual 40k GOD EMPEROR, he is very likely to do a lot of good, and could end up being one of the greatest Presidents the country has ever had.

As such, I am going to continue to support Trump, while criticizing him when it is necessary.

I would like to layout here what I necessarily expect, what I don’t necessarily expect, what I don’t like but will tolerate, and finally that which would force me to take a line of open opposition to his Presidency.

With all of this laid out, we can all refer back to it over the next 8 years (or more).

What I Necessarily Expect

These are things which must happen, and which I will push for until they do happen, and will protest loudly if it looks like they’re not going to happen.

  • Criminal illegal Mexicans/others rounded up and expelled
  • An end to the HUD program of forced racial integration
  • Obamacare fully repealed/replaced
  • Normalization of relations with Russia
  • Strict Constitutionalist Supreme Court justices
  • Every effort made to return manufacturing to the US, including renegotiation of every major trade deal
  • A federal crackdown on “sanctuary cities”
  • Common Core abolished
  • Law and order enforced in the black community
  • A drastic reduction in H1-B visas

What I Would Very Much Like to See

These are things which I believe are well within the realm of possibility, but which I don’t necessarily expect to be guaranteed. I think some of these are definitely going to happen, but I don’t know how many. Note that this is all intended to be within the realm of the possible, rather than a fantasy list.

  • The US pulling out of the United Nations
  • The US pulling out of NATO
  • A round-up of all illegal aliens
  • Cutting all foreign aid, including to Israel
  • An abolishing of the White House Press Corps
  • A ban on Moslem immigration at least, preferably a ban on all immigration from non-Anglo countries
  • A full pardon for Julian Assange
  • The revocation of the legal status of “refugees/asylum seekers” and repatriation of these people back to where they came from
  • Support for the California secession movement
  • An end to affirmative action, including for women
  • Measures to deal with the obesity epidemic and improve food quality
  • More aggressive implementation of federal hate crimes laws when a black attacks a white because of their race
  • A crackdown on Wall Street
  • A declaration that European Christendom is the cultural foundation of our country (I’m not asking for this to be racial in nature)
  • An audit of the Federal Reserve
  • Real programs to encourage black people to behave more like white people
  • A ban on showing nude Holocaust bodies to children in school
  • The designation of Black Lives Matter and various “anti-fascist” groups as terrorist organizations
  • A reinvestment in NASA, and a genuine attempt to make gains in outer space (I would appreciate a promise to have a man on Mars by 2030)
  • A government buyout of Twitter, which will then function as a public utility
  • A total overhaul of the family courts system, including a change in the way women are virtually always given the kids and a restructuring of the child support system
  • A federal law against “no fault” divorce
  • Tax incentives and/or interest-free government loans for people who get married and have children early
  • Restrictions (if not an outright ban) on the production and distribution of pornography
  • A federal law banning transsexual hormone treatment for persons under the age of 18
  • Some type of awards ceremony for Darren Wilson
  • Reestablishment of the public-private R&D partnerships which once allowed us to be the global leader in emerging technologies
  • Endorsement of all viable anti-EU parties in Europe and general support for European independence and nationalism
  • A law preventing employers from firing people for their political beliefs or political activism which is not directly related to their work
  • A law preventing private companies from refusing service based on political beliefs
  • A push for the national implementation of stop and frisk, perhaps even a repeal of laws against racial profiling
  • An apprenticeship program for kids who are not interested in attending college after high school
  • A break-up of various monopolies
  • Domestic oil-drilling and an end to reliance on foreign oil
  • The investigation and prosecution of Bill and Hillary Clinton
  • The investigation and prosecution of the ADL and the SPLC (at the very least for having violated their 501c3 status during the election, but preferably hit them with RICO charges)
  • Funding cut for FBI and other government agencies involved in disrupting nonviolent far-right political movements
  • A reestablishment of harsh sentences for both possession and distribution of hard drugs (crack cocaine, crystal meth, heroin)

What I Don’t Like, But Won’t Flip-Out Over

These are things that I do not like and do not support but nonetheless expect, and have expected. I will criticize these actions, but will not denounce the Trump government because of them.

  • Some Jewish government officials
  • Continued alliance with Israel
  • Lipservice paid to homosexuals
  • Lipservice paid to the concept of racial diversity
  • Continued privacy violations, including the request for encryption keys from Apple, Google, etc.

What I Cannot Tolerate

These are things which are under no circumstances acceptable on any level, and if they happen, I will denounce the entire administration.

  • Increased hostilities with Russia
  • Any major military intervention on the behalf of Israel
  • Infringement of the First Amendment
  • Infringement of the Second Amendment
  • Any type of organized crackdown on nonviolent far-right movements

Note: I will be updating this over the next couple days, and then will put the updated version in the sidebar for future reference, and as a guide. You can make any suggestions you think should be added (or subtracted, I guess) in the comments section and we will consider them.