EXPOSED: The Alt-Right has Appropriated NATO Psy-War Tactics to Brainwash the Masses

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 26, 2017

A study has finally exposed the darkest secret of the Alt-Right: NATO psychological warfare tactics being used to make people think mass nonwhite immigration is lowering their quality of life and that different racial groups have different levels of intelligence and behavior patterns.

This is the big one, folks.

The big reveal.


Far right groups under the banner of the so-called ‘alt right’ are using psychological warfare techniques learnt from leaked NATO and British intelligence documents to spread white supremacism across the world, according to a new report.

In a study by the the Institute of Strategic Dialogue—titled ‘The Fringe Insurgency’—Julia Ebner and Jacob Davey argue that activists are “weaponising internet culture” to spread their ideology online and subvert democracies.

After spending several weeks undercover on online alt-right forums, the authors identified the tactics that users adopted to radicalize people online and mobilize support for the far-right groups, targeting anxieties over immigration, terrorism, and race.

They used “crowd-funding platforms, custom-made social media platforms and even the use of leaked military and intelligence resources from [U.K. intelligence agency] GCHQ and NATO to run campaigns against their own governments,” the report said. 

In August, radical right-wing groups gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia, for their largest show of strength in decades, while in European far-right organizations have used crowd-funding platforms to raise money for boats to patrol European waters and intercept refugees.

The extreme right also had an influence the German federal election, which saw a huge spike in suport for the extreme party Alliance for Germany (AfD).

The actual translation of “Alternative für Deutschland” is “Alternative for Germany.”

But hey – I don’t expect every random blogger to know the German language. A mistake like that shouldn’t discredit this totally real information.

In large-scale and well-organized online campaigns, U.S. and European extremists have worked together: “Their strategic, tactical and operational convergence has allowed the extreme right to translate large-scale online mobilisation into real-world impact,” write the authors.

The report exposes how the U.S. ‘alt-right,’ responsible for trolling campaigns in support of President Donald Trump during the 2016 election, shared tips and tactics with European extremists—techniques gleaned from military psychological operations—to disrupt the democratic process.

Ahead of the AfD success in the German federal election—in which it secured 26 percent of the vote and marked the first time that far-right party has won seats in the German parliament since the Second World War—U.S. ‘alt-right’ activists spreads tips on messaging board 4chan.

Instructions from the U.S. elections on how to obfuscate and manipulate the media space were recycled and adopted to a German audience: this included memetic warfare albums such as ‘normie memes’, and psychological operations resources, such as a ‘step by step how to manipulate narratives’ that links to GCHQ online deception and disruption playbooks,” according to the authors.

The authors warn that the tactics used by the far-right are “more reminiscent of state-led psychological operations than that of terrorist groups” and urge policy makers, technology companies, practitioners and activists to adopt counter-strategies that match the sophistication of the far-right.

In February, civil rights nonprofit the Southern Poverty Law Center warned of the growth of extreme right-wing groups on the internet, which organize “troll storms” of abuse towards political opponents, and spread racist memes to mobilize support.

“It’s clear that more and more of these people are operating only on the internet, except when the moment comes to start shooting,” said SPLC expert Mark Potok.

And the blog regains credibility after having translated the German word “alternative” as “alliance” by citing the authoritative expert Mark Potok.

I was listening to TDS last night and found them to be claiming that these researchers are exaggerating the idea that the Alt-Right learned its tactics from NATO handbooks.


I learned everything I know about memes from NATO handbooks.

Before I ever made my first Pepe, I studied in-depth the entire catalog of military literature of psychological warfare, so that I could use it to manipulate the minds of young people and make them believe that Jews are over-represented in media and academia, that the Holocaust never happened and that George Zimmerman did nothing wrong.

Without these NATO techniques, I would be nothing.

Srsly Tho

This is some kooky stuff right here.

But let me explain to you how this actually happened.

In part, it is what Mike Enoch said on TDS – that we hit on the same tactics as them through trial and error.

In particular, /pol/ has been a mass platform for trying and erroring all sorts of things for years. I have also used this website – which will celebrate its five year anniversary in July – to test out all sorts of psychological techniques on all sorts of people. I have done this both by doing it myself, as well as giving general instructions to others to rustle people and watched what happened.

Furthermore, the fundamentals of trolling – and yes, it is psychological warfare – were developed on 4chan (mainly /b/) in the 00s when people like weev were active in apolitical (or at least less politicized) trolling. “Lulz,” as the kids call it, is simply a type of malicious humor that comes mainly from causing people emotional distress on the internet.

Combined with the ability to transfer information through memes, you have a situation where you can force people to look at you, then influence their thinking directly using compressed information transfers. The informational packets within memes effectively created new neural pathways.

When you have an internet with this many people on it, testing out stimulus-response is not particularly difficult. In fact, it happens automatically, you just have to be smart enough to catalog valuable stimulus-response protocols in your mind (hint: you don’t really have to be that smart to do that).

As far as formalized technique goes, I have continually promoted Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals (which is much more useful than any NATO guidebook). And presumably, people who write NATO guidebooks on psychological warfare have also studied that and studied the behavior of people who have studied that.

But saying “these guys are using Jewish cultural revolution techniques from the 1960s” is far less sexy than claiming we are using NATO psychological warfare guidebooks.

With regards to the NATO psychological warfare guidebooks that are circulating in these spheres that are referenced in the study: I only saw these in 2015, when Alt-Right trolling and meming had already developed into a pretty clear system. I then went on to read quite a bit of military literature about using the internet and electronic communications generally in psy-war, and found that their systems – at least as recorded in these texts – are much less developed than our own.

Presumably, the reason for that is that we are devoted to this, doing it ourselves, and that gives us more drive to understand it. We are also constantly processing feedback from our systems and updating them – often in real time – to make them more effective.

Using Meme Warfare Against Us

The study suggests that our methods need to be countered – apparently by military intelligence.

To that I say: good luck.

There isn’t any way to do that.

Meme warfare is an undermining of existing abstractions within the public mind by directly attacking the weak points with the energy of the victim itself. And this only involves words and images on the internet.

This is guerrilla psychological warfare.

That is why they tried to kick The Daily Stormer off the internet, why they are locking down Twitter and other social media platforms – we have been very successful with meme warfare, and that is the “counter” strategy.

Ultimately, this is a counter-revolution to the Jewish revolution against us. We are still living in the aftermath of the 1960s revolutionary movements, under a revolutionary government. That’s the importance of Alinsky – the Alt-Right is simply the first counter-revolutionary movement to adopt the techniques of the revolutionaries.

Our job is actually a lot easier than the Jews’ job in the 60s, because unlike people of the 60s, modern youth were raised to believe nothing is sacred, whereas the Jews had to directly undermine sacred, ancient institutions and cultural norms.

And it’s good it’s easier. Because we don’t have trillions of dollars to fund this operation, given that we didn’t take over the banking industry or any other industry before launching this counter-revolution (please do donate to us). We also don’t have control of the mass media in the way that 60s Jews did. So ultimately, our job is at least as hard, but the actual psych-war itself is fought on much more fertile ground.

However, They Can Totally Screw Us

The fact that they can’t use meme warfare against us doesn’t mean they can’t screw us, mind you.

Indeed, they can totally screw us. Because now, we are off the internet, in the real world, where they can use tried and true human intelligence, disruption and entrapment techniques to crush the movement completely.

I am sounding the alarm on everyone in this movement: all of these existing IRL groups are set up, to a virtually incomprehensible degree, to be setup by the feds and RICO’d. And that is going to happen if something doesn’t change. There is nothing stopping it, because no one wants to listen to me. I live in Nigeria, and so I can’t talk to them in real life, which creates a communication problem, and whenever I just publish the problems here on the site people just attack me as “infighting” (even though I am very careful not to call anyone out and certainly not to attack anyone in the movement), apparently hearing absolutely nothing I am saying.

Through the internet, we have created a movement involving tens of thousands of people using the most advanced psychological warfare techniques ever developed, and now the people leading the IRL movement are going to have the whole thing taken down by cops using the same primitive methods they use on 80 IQ Moslems. The level of frustration I have over this is indescribable. But hey – don’t let it get you down. The meme warfare will continue either way. And I am going to attempt, as I have said, to lay some groundwork for a more workable IRL movement.