FAA Bans White Air-Traffic Controllers

The New Observer
April 29, 2016

The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) has been running a program for the past two years to promote unqualified nonwhites as air traffic controllers (ATC), despite the ready availability of highly-qualified whites.

News of the anti-white racism emerged after a lawsuit named the government’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EOCC) as a co-respondent in an action launched by white ATCs against the FAA.

The EOCC has been added to the suit because it failed to respond to the original suit, filed by whites who have been fired to make way for nonwhites.



The original lawsuit was launched last December by the Mountain States Legal Foundation (MSLF), which sued the FAA for purging highly qualified applicants for air traffic controller jobs and dispensing with relevant skills screening in order to foster “diversity.”

A statement which accompanied the lawsuit said that the MSLF was representing “thousands who met the FAA’s time-tested and rigorous tests for employment as air traffic controllers (ATC) but were rejected after the FAA announced new minority hiring plans.”

According to the claim, filed in United States District Court for the District of Arizona, the original test, known as AT-SAT, tested for “characteristics needed to effectively perform as an air traffic controller. The characteristics include numeric ability, prioritization, planning, tolerance for high intensity, decisiveness, visualization, problem-solving, and movement.”

Beginning in 1995, the FAA collaborated with universities and colleges to create accredited degree programs in diverse Collegiate Training Initiative (CTI) schools.

“Then, the FAA gave a hiring preference to veterans, those with CTI program degrees, references from CTI administrators, and ‘well qualified’ rankings on the challenging Air Traffic Selection and Training exam (AT-SAT)—a validated, proctored, eight-hour, computer-based test,” the MSLF said.

But on December 30, 2013, the FAA announced that it was eliminating the test to transform the agency into “a more diverse and inclusive workplace.”

The announcement was “accompanied by a suspect analysis that purported to show women and minorities as ‘underrepresented’ in those the FAA hired,” the MSL statement continued.

The old AT-SAT test was replaced with a “Biological Questionnaire,” which contained questions such as “The number of high school sports I participated in was . . .”; “How would you describe your ideal job?”; “What has been the major cause of your failures?” and, “More classmates would remember me as humble or dominant?”

The new “test” was therefore stripped of any question which directly examined the fundamental skills which an ATC would require—such as math, science, geography, and so on—all in an obvious attempt to lower the standard to let nonwhites enter the program.

“In abandoning years of hiring the most qualified and adopting a ‘test’ that is the epitome of psychobabble, the FAA told our clients their skills are less important than their race, and the public that its racial agenda is more important than aircraft safety,” William Perry Pendley, MSLF president said.

In December of 2013, the FAA began its new hiring process and told 2,000 to 3,000 trained and qualified graduates of CTI programs and veterans—who were on the FAA’s referral list and ready for immediate hire—that their AT-SAT scores were not valid.

They would, the FAA said, be required to “pass” the “Biographical Questionnaire” before being able to retake the AT-SAT—and that they must all then reapply—along with any other English-speaker who had a high school diploma.

The lawsuit says that by “purging the Qualified Applicant Register and adopting a new hiring practice for Air Traffic Controllers, the FAA refused to accept the outcome of a race-neutral hiring process solely because of the racial makeup of the successful applicants.”

“Defendants intentionally discriminated against Class members and violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act by refusing to consider for hiring and/or hiring qualified applicants because of those applicants’ race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.”

When the suit was delivered to the FAA, that organization’s lawyers told the MSLF the agency was legally immune because federal litigants are normally required to receive EEOC clearance prior to filing employment discrimination lawsuits—and that the EEOC had not yet made a decision in this regard.

Pendley revealed to the Daily Caller that the EEOC had been given notice of the original suit more than two years previously, but had ignored the matter.

He speculated that the reason for the delay was that “given the Obama administration’s innumerable racial quota schemes, it is possible somebody at the White House is involved.”

Meanwhile, the “affirmative action” program for air traffic controllers—one of the most important, most stressful, and highest performing jobs in the aviation industry—continues unabated.