FAA Wants Investigation of SpaceX for Some Reason I Don’t Really Understand

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Elon Musk is actually a criminal.

He bought Twitter so he could say a bunch of racist stuff and then say “I’m not really a criminal – I’m being politically persecuted for being anti-woke.”

The Guardian:

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is requiring an investigation into the in-flight failure of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket as it was launching a batch of Starlink internet satellites.

The second-stage engine failure occurred on Thursday evening during a routine launch of the satellites from Vandenberg space force base in Santa Barbara county, California.

Approximately an hour after the rocket took off, the rocket’s second stage, which was carrying 20 Starlink internet satellites, failed to reignite and instead deployed the satellites in a dangerously low orbit where they run the risk of burning up in the Earth’s atmosphere, Reuters reported.

Thursday’s failure occurred on the rocket’s 354th mission and marks the first Falcon 9 failure since 2015, when the rocket exploded on a launch site in Florida.

He also bought Twitter because he thinks if he can get a Republican in office by manipulating the algorithm in their favor, they will drop all these investigations and charges against him.

He has committed a lot of crimes.

You can’t run companies like he does. It’s illegal. You can’t just lie about everything and put everyone’s life at risk while you do nothing but eat cheesy French fries and play Diablo 4.

You’ve got a lot of problems, Elon.

A lot of problems.

And I’m going to keep pressing them until I get my account back.

If you give me my account back, I’m just going to stop talking about all these crimes you’re committing.

This is a total violation of basic journalistic ethics, but honestly, I think anyone who buys a Tesla deserves to die anyway, and satellites falling out of the sky is funny to me.

Elvis Dunderhoff contributed to this article.