Facebook, Amazon and Google Say They’ll Back Apple in Court

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2016


Tim Cook might be a GRIDS-ridden sicko, but in this case, I support him.

It’s nice to see these oppressive and evil corportations forced by the public to come out and support freedom.


As Apple continues to fight back on the FBI’s request, calling it “unconstitutional” in court, support from the tech world is starting to pour in. Soon after Microsoft announced it’s decision to back Apple’s legal battle with an amicus brief, the Wall Street Journal reports that Facebook, Google and possibly Twitter are among companies working with Microsoft on a joint motion. An Amazon spokesman told Reuters the company is working on its “amicus options,” as it becomes clear Apple will have support from many of its competitors in this particular battle.

Our friend weev recently put out a video commenting on the Apple vs. the FBI situation, for those unclear about exactly what is at stake.