Ben Johnson
Life Site News
February 14, 2014

Facebook has 1.2 billion users – and now it has nearly as many gender categories to match. The social media website unveiled a new feature today that allows users to jettison male or female and describe themselves by dozens of “gender” labels.
Under the “gender” section of their profile, users may click on “custom” and type in dozens of options, including “pangender,” “genderqueer,” “bigender,” “agender,” “gender questioning,” “androgynous,” “cisgender,” and “neutrois.”
Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality joked, “Do you remember the good old days when there were only five genders?”
He told LifeSiteNews he was thankful they had not included the term “genderf—k,” a growing self-identity among those who embrace a fluid view of sexual identity. Still, Facebook’s list of potential “gender” terms is large and growing.
“Way to go, Facebook – smash that gender binary!” wrote John Becker of The Bilerico Project, congratulating the social media giant for its decision.
“Over the past few years, a person’s Facebook profile truly has become their online identity, and now Facebook has taken a milestone step to allow countless people to more honestly and accurately represent themselves,” said Chad Griffin, president of the homosexual activist group Human Rights Campaign. He hoped that Facebook’s move will inspire others “in supporting individuals’ multifaceted identities.”
“The rising tide of equality cannot leave anyone behind,” agreed Ellen Kahn, also with HRC.
But many warn the notion of gender in perpetual flux is fraught with danger and potential harm, because, unlike virtual reality identities, human bodies come in only two genders. Encouraging young people to question – and possibly change – their biology could leave physical and psychological scars that cannot be healed.