Fag-Bashing VistaPrint Declared the Official Printing Outlet of the Alt-Right!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 19, 2018

More and more, big companies are getting on-board with the radical White Supremacist agenda of the Alt-Right.

The Dutch printing company VistaPrint is the latest to take an aggressive stance against the rot that is eating away the core of our society.

A couple of evil, cock-sucking faggots ordered a “wedding program” for their “gay wedding” from VistaPrint, and whoever runs the company was so disgusted by the sickening behavior of these disease-ridden maggots that they sent them Christian pamphlets about the evil of their ways.

Think Progress:

An Australian gay couple marrying in rural Pennsylvania to be close to their family ordered 100 copies of a wedding program from VistaPrint, but instead received about 80 copies of a Christian propaganda pamphlet. On Tuesday, they filed a federal lawsuit against the company in its home state of Massachusetts.

Stephen Heasley and Andrew Borg opened the package they expected to contain their wedding programs on the eve of their wedding back in September. They had requested a blue and gold design that included the events of the day, the names of their wedding party members, and the lyrics to “Treasure” by Above and Beyond, because they’d gotten engaged the day they saw the group in concert.

Instead, they found a pamphlet entitled, “Understanding Temptation: Fight the good fight of the faith.” Laden with Christian Bible verses, the pamphlet speaks to resisting Satan’s three types of temptation:

  1. Lust of the Flesh is what appeals to our body in a sinful manner.
  2. Lust of the Eyes is what attracts us to sin when we look at it.
  3. Pride of Life is what appeals to our self-worth in a way that directs us to become self-centered.

The pamphlet asks the reader, “If your self-centeredness is what lures you into sin, what can you do to ward off the temptation?”

The lawsuit claims the pamphlets were “plainly sent to threaten and attack Mr. Heasley and Mr. Borg because they are gay.” They were “both emotionally devastated by Vistaprint’s intimidating and discriminatory conduct,” which the suit describes as “heinous and despicable” — as well as unlawful. The couple had to print their own wedding programs for the ceremony the next day.

Here’s the pamphlet.

It’s time to take out the trash and physically remove these sickening, demon-possessed monsters from our society.

For the protection of our children.

VistaPrint knows that if we don’t turn this ship around, God himself is going to bring down his wrath upon us.

Bookmark the VistaPrint website and use them next time you need something printed. And when you order, make sure to tell them that you chose them because you support their anti-faggot agenda.