Fag Comey’s Gay Memos Released, Turn Out to be Really Queer

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2018

Anyone this tall should immediately be suspected as a probable weirdo. These are completely irregular genetics.

James Comey’s memos – the ones he leaked to the Jew lawyer who leaked it to the Jew media, leading to the appointment of the traitor Mueller by the Jew Rosenstein after the pussy Sessions recused – have been released publicly.


President Donald Trump told former FBI Director James Comey that he had serious concerns about the judgment of his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, according to memos maintained by Comey and obtained by The Associated Press.

The 15 pages of documents contain new details about a series of interactions that Comey had with Trump in the weeks before his May 2017 firing. Those encounters include a White House dinner at which Comey says Trump asked him for his loyalty, and a meeting the following month in which he says the president asked him to end an investigation into Flynn.

Kinda fun to read, if you’re into this sort of thing. Comey is a good fiction writer.


But there is nothing new in them. It’s all the exact same stuff we heard at the Comey Congressional testimony a year ago.

Basically, it just reads like elements of Trump’s actual behavior and personality mixed with some very specific lies designed to cast aspersions on Trump personally and especially with regards to his alleged relationship with the Russians.

The only thing that was slightly shocking was the amount that Comey himself in writing these memos relied on the #Pissgate dossier. He claims that Trump repeatedly brought it up, said he didn’t need to pay for hookers, and called it “the Golden Shower thing” (Comey for some reason capitalizes “Golden Showers” in the text of the memos as if that is a proper noun).

He also mentioned the “loyalty pledge” thing when he had dinner with Trump.

That was intended to be a mafia type scene, and I think he weaves in enough of Trump’s actual personality to make it believable, sort of. Although Trump’s response – “I barely know this guy, who would say that?” – makes more sense than the Comey claim, especially when we know that Comey is a liar and a leaker.

The part about Trump telling him to let the Flynn thing go was more detailed than the story Comey told at the hearing, and actually seemed less weird.

One random thing that I thought was weird – not mentioned at the hearings – was Comey’s claim that Putin told him Russia has “beautiful hookers.”

That is weird on a number of levels, and clearly fake.

Firstly, why would Putin say that? Everyone obviously knows that, Russia is world famous for having beautiful hookers, but also saying “beautiful hookers” is a weird thing to say. As a man who has had a lot of conversations with men about women, in a situation like that, Putin would at the very most say “we have very beautiful women in our country” and smile. Not explicitly say “hookers.”

Putin appears to be a man’s man, but more of the sly and stoic sort.

Furthermore, Trump would not say that to Comey, because it would be weird to say that. Trump does say weird things which can be considered inappropriate some times, but I can’t picture him saying that to James Comey, especially after he had made a point to repeatedly say that he’d never met Putin (this was before the G-8 meeting, which would mean that Putin told him this over the phone, which would make it even weirder).

Other than that, the only other piece of new information is that (according to Comey, but probably this is true) Trump had questioned the judgement of General Flynn, saying that he had recently interrupted him at a dinner to correct him about a minor issue. I assume this is true both because I assume Comey was trying to limit the lies in the file and because it doesn’t directly assist Comey’s narrative.

Oh, the one other thing that stuck out – and this is just funny – is that he says Reince Preibus asked him if he was a lawyer.

I don’t know how it is possible that Reince would not know that Comey is a lawyer, but I also can’t see why Comey would make up that particular detail when he is trying to embed very specific lies within an otherwise true story.

So Reince must have just not known Comey is a lawyer. Which would pretty much indicate he hasn’t been following politics (or even casually reading the news) for the last two decades or so.

Goofy guy, Reince.

Anyway, overall, though this is being billed as a big news story right now, it isn’t.

Nothing new of any importance there.