Daily Stormer
June 22, 2014

New York congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, who is a faggot, this week married his “partner” of 22 years, Randy Gene Florke. And they did it at a church.
From the gay mag the Advocate:
Representative Maloney, 47, and Florke, 51, have already been together 22 years, but decided to tie the knot in December after their 11-year-old daughter Essie asked Santa to make her dads get married. All three of their children — including 24-year-old Reinel and 13-year-old Daley — were in attendance.
Maloney is New York’s first out gay member of Congress and now one of only two Congress people married to a person of the same sex.
Several notables tweeted out congratulations, including New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a champion of marriage equality in the state.
The couple don’t have time for a honeymoon, though: Maloney is in a primary election on Tuesday against former Republican Rep. Nan Hayworth. He told USA Today that he was dancing between the raindrops — squeezing in a wedding between that primary election and a short trip to Afghanistan with other politicos.
Yeah. I wonder what role the primary played in the decision to get fag married?
Because who could vote against something so novel, interesting and emotionally stimulating as a man who is married to another man and has adopted black children?