Fag Couple Commit Suicide After Being Accused of Sexually Abusing 10 Boys

Daily Stormer
December 30, 2016

You’re a bigot for thinking these people shouldn’t be parents

Just another story to remind us of why we should keep children as far away from homosexuals as possible.

It’s no secret that these mentally ill individuals have a thing for pedophilia, and this is why I laugh whenever a ‘study’ is released ‘proving’ that they make better parents than normal, healthy, straight people.

The police have just closed a report, confirming that a teacher and his partner sexually abused multiple boys.

Christian News:

Police in South St. Paul, Minnesota, have revealed that a homosexual elementary-school teacher and his “husband” sexually abused eight underage boys since at least 2013, according to a report released Tuesday.

Aric Babbitt, 40, and Matthew Deyo, 36, came to the attention of local authorities Aug. 14 after a 16-year-old former student of Babbitt’s revealed an “ongoing sexual relationship” with the two men to his parents, reported the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

This week’s report was the culmination of a four-month investigation that revealed seven other victims of the married pair.

Babbitt and Deyo died 10 days later in a murder-suicide.

Why a homosexual is allowed to be an elementary teacher is beyond me. Nobody of that calibre should be allowed to have a whole classroom of underaged students at their fingertips. I would feel extremely uncomfortable if my child had a faggot for a teacher.

They are clowns and this should not be taking place in a classroom

Not only are there reasonable concerns that this person is capable of physically abusing your child, but they’re also able to spread their poison and indoctrinate a whole classroom of kids, by filling their brains with kike garbage about how it’s okay to have gender dysphoria.

Which is exactly what this teacher decided to do

Babbitt, a teacher at Lincoln Center Elementary since 2002, was put on paid leave Aug. 17 after news of the allegations became public. Police collected a large amount of evidence from the pair’s home during an Aug. 16 search, including photos and videos on phones, computers and media devices. Secret video from a camera hidden in a bathroom clock also contained evidence of their crimes as well as clues that led to other victims.

Videos show Babbitt filming himself masturbating in a school bathroom and in his empty classroom, near a student’s desk.

Text messages between the two men revealed the planning that went into their abuse of the boys.

Babbitt, referencing a boy staying overnight, texted Deyo: “Make sure the alarm clock [containing the hidden camera] ends up somewhere good. I was going to surprise (victim) with hot tub … in case it improves chances of skinny dip.

In another text message, Deyo asked Babbitt, “Should I be expecting a scantily clad 40 yo and (victim) to give me some hugs and kisses this weekend? I just want to be able to hug and snuggle (victim) for a couple mins without (victim) feeling awkward.

Babbitt responded by texting, “You just need to grab him and make (victim) sit on your lap every once in awhile.

The only positive thing about this story is that there are two less faggots on earth, but it’s very unfortunate that these young boys will now also grow up to most likely be fags.

You just have to see their faces to know they’re manipulative and evil

If you’re unaware, most homosexuals were themselves abused as children. That it one of the reasons why it’s not something to be celebrated.

The couple was found dead on Aug. 25 on a beach on Lopez Island in northwest Washington state, having died the previous day in a shotgun murder-suicide, ruled the local coroner. Deyo killed Babbitt before turning the weapon on himself, according to the report.

They left a note on the dashboard of their car describing their time on the run as the “vacation of a lifetime,” and saying it “brought great peace to end it on Lopez.

A suicide note mailed to Deyo’s parents said that some would characterize the pair as monsters, but they were not. Calling the accusations against them “too great to overcome,” it said they had decided to “choose our own destinies rather than experience the embarrassment, ridicule, hatred and inevitable loss of freedom that the justice system would give.

I’m sure people will cry that these two friends of Dorothy are innocent victims, and that beautiful lives have been lost.

I’m glad that after taking advantage of kids they were given the choice to chose their own destinies and live freely. If only their victims had been given the same options.

Trust a homo to still act like a victim after committing such atrocities.