Faggot Hastert Getting Sued for Boy-Buggery

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 26, 2016


No one could have predicted this guy would bugger boys.

You can’t put a price on getting buggered by Dennis Hastert.

If you tried to put a price on it though, it would be a lot more than $3.5 million.

Washington Post:

The man whom former U.S. House speaker J. Dennis Hastert paid $1.7 million to keep quiet about a decades-old incident in which Hastert allegedly molested him is now suing the Illinois Republican for an additional $1.8 million he claims he is owed.

In the lawsuit, filed anonymously in Circuit Court in Kendall County, Ill., on Monday, the man alleges that he suffered severe panic attacks and bouts of depression and had to undergo long-term psychiatric treatment after the sexual abuse, which occurred when he was 14. He alleges that when he met with Hastert decades later to confront him about what he had done, Hastert agreed to pay him $3.5 million to compensate for the “pain, suffering, and harm” he had caused.

The man’s abuse allegations — and Hastert’s agreement to pay him — ultimately led to the criminal investigation of Hastert. According to federal authorities, the former U.S. House speaker, who became a lobbyist after leaving politics, began withdrawing money to pay the man in amounts that drew the notice of bank officials. When Hastert was asked about the withdrawals, he started taking money out in smaller increments so as not to trigger federal reporting requirements.

That itself is a crime, and it piqued the interest of the FBI. The bureau’s investigators would come to find that Hastert, who worked as a high school teacher and wrestling coach in Illinois early in his career, had abused or inappropriately touched as many as five teenagers in his care decades ago.

Hastert, 74, pleaded guilty last year to withdrawing money in increments meant to avoid federal reporting requirements, after federal prosecutors concluded that the statutes of limitations had long passed on any of the alleged sex crimes. He is scheduled to be sentenced in federal court in Chicago on Wednesday.

Hastert admitted in his plea that he agreed to pay someone identified only as Individual A $3.5 million to “compensate for and keep confidential” prior misconduct against that person, and he admitted that he actually paid the person $1.7 million. The suit seeks the additional $1.8 million, plus interest — casting the verbal arrangement between the two men as a “settlement agreement” that Hastert breached.

The suit says the man never filed a lawsuit for the injuries he suffered because of the agreement and that he did not reveal his allegations to anyone “until he was required to truthfully answer questions from law enforcement personnel pursuant to the federal criminal investigation.”

Thomas Green, Hastert’s attorney, said he had not had time to review the lawsuit yet. Green had hinted in a previous filing that the victim was threatening to file such an action.

Kristi Browne, the man’s attorney, said Hastert had stopped paying her client “some time ago” and that his attorneys had not responded to their demand letters.

“My client absolutely performed everything he promised to perform,” Browne said. “He absolutely has fulfilled his part of the bargain.”

As I always say when I report on any of these cases of government faggotry/perversion: this is the standard, throughout the government. People are picked for high-level positions based on the fact they are blackmailable.

As such, the majority – if not all – top government officials are perverts of some type. Some might not be outright boy-lovers, but all are at least cheating on their wives in affairs that are documented by the string-pullers and can collapse their careers at any time.

I have no doubt that there are regularly situations where a politician seeking a position is visited by some group of Jews or Jew-related individuals and they say “so what can you give us?” If they say they don’t have any skeletons in their closet, they will be told “well, we’re going to need you to meet with some our hookers.”

Democracy has failed, miserably.

This is a system where you are necessarily going to be ruled over not only by perverts and criminals, but totally incompetent perverts and criminals.