Faggot Pope Encourages White Genocide, Urges Parents to Have Fewer Children

Daily Stormer
March5, 2017

The nigger-loving Pope is at it again with his anti-White tactics 

I’m so over this guy.

The Pope has just inspired white people to allow the already low birth rates to continue dropping.

Daily Mail:

The Pope wants couples to have fewer children in order to lessen the environmental damage being done to the planet, a Vatican panel has been told.

Environmentalist Peter Raven made the comment at a workshop on biodiversity, which discussed Catholic Church attitudes toward environmental issues.

Pope Francis has previously said avoiding pregnancy is not an ‘absolute evil‘, but the church remains unwavering in its opposition to artificial birth control.

You think porch-monkeys and arabs are going to suffer the consequences from people having fewer children? They have dozens of kids and breed like rabbits.

This only hurts white people.

Maybe the Pope should tell people to stop sending money to charities that keep thousands of dirt poor humans alive? 

White people are always motivated whenever possible to lead a child-less life.

Only white women are hounded about going to college instead of becoming a mother. Only white youth have it drummed into their heads how ‘horrible’ being a parent is and how much they’d much rather party and drink alcohol then commit to a newborn child.

Only white teens are inspired to experiment and be homosexual degenerates.

And stopping the creation of any future ones

Do you see Moslem girls being degraded when they give birth to their first terrorist? Or bullied by shitlibs when they insist that they will lead a modest and traditional life?

Dr Raven stated, LifeSiteNews reports: ‘Pope Francis has urged us to have fewer children to make the world more sustainable.

But he continued: ‘We do not endorse any of the artificial birth control [methods] that the Church does not endorse.

Dr Raven stated, according to the site’s account of the workshop, that ‘we need a more limited number of people in the world‘.

What he is preaching doesn’t even make sense.

One one hand he is saying we need to have less children and that avoiding pregnancy is not an ‘absolute evil,‘ but on the other hand the church won’t endorse any artificial birth control.

This Pope is just making stuff up as he goes along.

Can we resurrect Pope Urban II now?

White people need to be inspired more than ever right now to have more babies.

We need more white babies.

And anybody who helps kill off the white race is pure evil and deserves to rot in hell.

Someone send him the Bible, he might learn something.