Fagnonymous Fails Again: Nothing Happened on the “Day of Rage”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 17, 2016

Anonymous: It's an organization with a purpose.

Anonymous: It’s an organization with a purpose.

I just realized I never wrote anything about the planned “Day of Rage” which was supposed to have happened on Friday.

I didn’t write anything because nothing actually happened, but the fact that nothing happened is a story in itself.

There were a few Whites protesting in support of the right of monkeys to attack cops in Denver:

And in Portland:

But very little else was reported.

This “Day of Rage” was a forced meme created and promoted by White people, and that they failed to tap into the Black social networking scene (which is typically run by Soros organizations, but nonetheless has Black leaders on the ground).

The “Day of Rage” was planned by the faggot fake hacker group Anonymous. They are not a group which is in touch with the Blacks, but has simply fetishized them as a sacred object deserving of undying, primitive religious devotion.

They created this day as a type of rain dance ritual, calling out the Blacks to give them approval, to give them confirmation that they matter.

And the Blacks rejected them.

Anonymous is the last gasp of the Jewish project to make White middle class ethnomasochism cool.

And they are failing, miserably.

The Jewish media continues to promote them as the coolest kids on the block, reporting on every single one of their stupid, failed projects as if it were the bees knees.

But we are in the throes of a great cultural transformation. The cool kids no longer demean themselves, their families and their history by prostrating themselves before violent, stupid evolutionary throwbacks.

The cool kids hang out at The Daily Stormer, dreaming of race war.
