“Failed” Asylum Seekers Costing UK £100,000 a Day

Daily Mail
January 15, 2014

Labour MP Frank Field says the money spent on supporting the immigrants should be cut
Labour MP Frank Field said ”Can you imagine the wall we could build around the country for £100million?’

The Government is paying £100,000 a day to support failed asylum seekers, it has been revealed.

Would-be refugees who have been told to leave the country have received a total of £100million from the State since the Coalition came to power.

The support payments are supposed to be temporary – but 2,000 failed asylum seekers have been receiving payments for more than a year.

Critics described the figures as ‘madness’, claiming that Britain should not spend so much on supporting people who have no right to live here.

Asylum seekers who are denied permission to remain in the UK are entitled to a payment known as ‘Section 4 support’ if they have no other means of supporting themselves.

This money pays for their accommodation and gives them £35.39 a week to spend on groceries and other necessities.

Failed asylum seekers are currently being given £100,000 a day by the British Government
Failed asylum seekers are currently being given £100,000 a day by the British Government.

It is supposed to be handed out on a temporary basis, but 2,000 failed asylum seekers have continued to receive the funds for more than a year.

Since the Coalition Government came to power in 2010, more than £100million has been handed out in Section 4 support.

A leading Labour MP criticised the figures, saying they showed that immigration policy was ‘madness on stilts’.

Frank Field told The Sun: ‘Can you imagine the wall we could build around the country for £100million?’

Section 4 support can be claimed by failed asylum seekers while they are trying to leave Britain if they are judged to be at risk of becoming ‘destitute’.

Immigrants who are appealing against the decision to kick them out of the country are also eligible for the payments.

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