Failed Loser Jim Carrey Shittily Paints Elephant Killing Trump’s Sons!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 30, 2018

Well, at least he didn’t paint them getting herpes and other STDs from a Hollywood actor and then killing themselves over it!

Seriously – what kind of a realm do we inhabit that Hollywood actors have become our moral compass?

As far as big game hunting – why is this the greatest moral evil?

Well, probably because people confused it with nigger poaching activities which are wiping out entire species.

Big game hunting is just a recreational activity. No one is harmed by this. This is not wiping out species. The blacks are doing that.

No big game hunter actually hunts endangered species. I think that was maybe in an episode of Captain Planet so millennials think that is a thing but it just isn’t.

Big game hunting is no different than regular hunting – it is just on a different continent.

Unless you’re Jim Carrey, then your version of big game hunting is giving a girl a bunch of STDs and then bullying her into suicide.


How pathetic is this guy that his career is dead so he focuses on socially signaling in the single most socially acceptable way?