Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 26, 2016
Typical “young Americans.”
The youth of America have no future.
And they know this.
What they don’t know – but are increasingly becoming aware of – is the reason they have no future is that it was stolen from them by Jews and barbarian hordes.
The family nest is getting full again as nearly a third of millennials tend to go back to live with their parents rather than settle down on their own, a new study reveals. The year 2014 saw the trend peak nearly to record-breaking levels since World War II.The Pew Research Center found that 32.1 percent of 18-to-34 year old Americans prefer living with their parents to sharing a place with a roommate or a romantic partner.
This is compared to 31.6 percent of young adults living in their own household with a spouse or a partner. Another 14 percent, most often single mothers, headed up a household in which they lived either alone or with a roommate. The remaining 22 percent of respondents shared a house with either family members, who were not their parents, or people who they were not related to at all, at college dormitories or prisons for example.
The trend, which has peaked for the second time since the 1940s, sees clear gender, racial and educational diversity. Of those living with parents, 35 percent were men, while women were as likely to be living with a spouse (35 percent), but less likely to live at their parents’ place (29 percent). Women also were ahead of men when it came to heading up a household – 16 percent versus 13 percent. However, men outnumbered women in cases where they were living with a third family member – 25 percent of males compared to 19 percent of females.
We need Donald Trump and we need him quickly.