Fake Black Twitter Conspiracy: We’ve Been Found Out

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 14, 2016

The Alt-Right shitposter is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a racist, an anti-Semite, a misogynist, a childless anime masturbater, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him out on running thousands of fake nigger twitter accounts and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

As you may recall, I have deployed nearly a thousand fake nigger twitter accounts, run by an elite team of my most trusted trolls. Some of these accounts, which were prepared for an emergency situation – such as the banning of our dear friend weev, which has happened – were created as early as 2013.

We are using these fake nigger accounts to bring down black twitter, and cause chaos for twitter the company. This is not simply about harassing black people for no reason – understand that – it is about revenge on Jack Dorsey, who has violated our free speech rights.

Black twitter will be sent into a state of chaos, and without black twitter, the company cannot survive.


I have encouraged you all to join in. Seriously, click that link, learn the ropes and start posting.

They’re Onto Us

They are already onto us, calling us out.

But this is of course all part of the plan. They won’t know who is who, and will accuse each other of being fake. Then twitter will start banning real accounts.

Note the retweets. Also, retweet it with your own fake nigger accounts.

The responses are TOP KEK.

They think my examples of things blacks would say are funny.

That is literally the best thing ever.

Like, “dem nazis be whack af. they funny tho.”

A bunch of other people freaking out about it.

And get this here – our wacky old friend Yair Rosenberg has made a special account to track fake accounts.



This Jews have an obsession with tracking things. What a bunch of sneaky rats.

Anyway, mass report real accounts to him as fake. And yes, he might identify you for mass reporting real accounts to him, but it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t work for twitter so there’s nothing he can do anyway.

If you do get banned for mass-reporting real accounts as fake to Yair, report that to us so we can stop doing it. Or just don’t bother. I dunno, Yair is like the one Jew I actually do sometimes feel bad for. He’s just such a sucker for abuse.

Whatever You Do

Whatever you do keep doing this.

We’re getting a great response. If you’re getting banned, make more account.

The main thing I would advise you to do right now is keep accusing real black people of having fake accounts. They haven’t come up with a hashtag to identify this yet, but they probably will by tomorrow.

Again, instructions are here.

This will teach Jack Dorsey what happens when you mess with Republicans.

Hail Victory.