Fake Mandela Translator Says He is a Schizophrenic Champion

December 12, 2013

The sign language interpreter widely ridiculed for his performance at the Nelson Mandela memorial spoke Wednesday with CNN’s David McKenzie. “For the deaf association, if they think that I’ve done a wrong interpretation, I ask forgiveness,” Thamsanqa Jantjie said. But he said he has long been “a champion of what I’ve been doing.” He also said he is schizophrenic.

The sign language interpreter widely ridiculed for his performance at the Nelson Mandela memorial stands by his work.

Thamsanqa Jantjie told CNN affiliate Radio 702 in Johannesburg that he is a fully qualified interpreter and has been trusted in the past with other big events.

“I’ve interpreted in many press conferences, including the presidential conference,” he said. “There was no one at all that said I interpreted wrong.”

Not so, says the head of the South Africa Translators’ Institute.

There were complaints last year after Jantjie interpreted the proceedings at the ruling African National Congress elective conference, the institute’s chairman Johan Blaauw told the South African Press Association.

“If I was not interpreting right, why was it was not picked up at that time?” Jantjie said. “You must remember, you are talking about an interpreter who has been interpreting through these years. And if I was interpreting wrong through these years, why should it become an issue now? It’s one of the questions I’ve never ever gotten an answer for.”

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