Fake Statistics on American Racial Demographics Released (CALM DOWN, STUPID GOYIM)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 7, 2017

These statistics are fake.


Less than half the population in the US are white Christians – and evangelical Protestants are on the decline. However, 69 percent of the population is Christian, and 72 percent are white.

In 1976, eight in 10 Americans were white Christians, while today 43 percent are both white and Christian.

More than 101,000 Americans were polled by the Public Religion Research Institute, a research organization which focuses on religious tradition and values, for its ‘America’s Changing Religious Identity,’ report.

Its findings are based on figures from its American Values Atlas survey, based on interviews with Americans across the country in 2016.

They keep doing this.

Official census numbers show that “non-Hispanic whites” are 61.3% of the population. And that number includes Arabs, Jews and other Middle Easterners, who make up a combined 5ish percent of the population. It presumably also includes some “Hispanic whites.”

Those are 2016 numbers.

Down nearly 2.5% from 2010.

The apparent purpose of lying about these numbers is to make normal people feel less scared. It’s also a form of gaslighting – trying to make people feel like they’re insane. I always say “go to Walmart and count how many white people you see.” Everywhere we look, it looks as though we are being invaded and overrun – it looks that way because it is happening.

I would imagine that our real numbers are hovering around 50ish percent.

But the exact number isn’t relevant. What is relevant is that whatever it is, it will be lower next year and lower still the year after that.

We are being ethnically cleansed in our own homeland. And if you talk about it, you will be crushed.

That is the situation here.

It is a genocide.

And we have no explanation as to why it is a good thing.

No one has even attempted to explain it.

The explanation is: “if you ask, you’re evil.”

This was obviously unsustainable – the goyim now know – so the solution is to shut everything down. Eventually, you will not be able to find any information about the browning on the internet at all. The only “resistance” is going to be Alex Jones and Ben Shapiro talking about “I don’t care if we get overrun by Somalians, as long as they believe in the Constitution.”

Point being: get used to the darkweb. And get used to communicating in person. Get used to printing Samizdat.

We have been forced underground, and this is going to make us more powerful than we ever could have been above.

This energy that we have poured into waking up our brothers on the internet is not simple going to disappear because we are down by law. It is simply going to be redirected. Ultimately, the direction this energy is redirected in is going to be a more productive one.

They are forcing us to go live.

And go live we shall.

Snek does not exist.

But I swear to you: it will.