False Flag: Russia FINALLY Says the UK Probably Did Skripal

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 2, 2018

Alexander Yakovenko, Russian Ambassador to the UK

It’s about time.

I’ve been saying this since the attack was first reported.

I’ve gone through the entire logic of it – which is obvious – and there is literally no other potential perpetrator than Western intelligence.


London’s reluctance to share information on the poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal has led Moscow to strongly suspect that it was the actual perpetrator of the crime, the Russian ambassador to Britain said.

The poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury triggered the worst diplomatic conflict between London and Moscow in years. The UK accused the Russian government of using a military grade nerve agent against the former spy and, according to Moscow, is stonewalling all attempts by Moscow to learn details of the ongoing investigation into the incident.

Moscow is increasingly convinced that Britain is the real culprit behind the attack, according to Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko.

“We have very serious suspicion that this provocation was done by British intelligence,” Yakovenko told Russia’s NTV channel. He clarified that Russia has no direct proof of this suspicion, but the behavior of the British government constitutes strong circumstantial evidence in support of this theory.

The West doesn’t have any “direct proof” that Russia did it! They don’t have any evidence at all!

And it makes zero sense!

With the UK doing it, we are able to easily explain a motive.

Basically, the motive presented by the West with regards any action blamed on Russia is always “because they’re evil.”

And look, as he says – Theresa May’s aggressive moves after the event, her immediate blaming of Russia, even though there was no evidence – and then the rest of the globe following suit – is clear evidence that the West is responsible.

Any single honest individual would be forced to say, with the information that we have right now, that is a whole helluva lot more likely that the UK did it than it is that Russia did it.

The diplomat added that London had gained both short-term and long-term benefits from the poisoning. The short-term gain is that Theresa May’s government managed to spin this story to whip up support both at home and in Europe, while sidelining its failures to negotiate more favorable terms for exiting the European Union, Yakovenko said. The long-term benefit is that it improved London’s standing in the ongoing confrontation between the West and Russia.

“The Britons are claiming a leading role in the so-called containment of Russia. To win support from the people and the parliament for this containment of Russia, a serious provocation was required. And the Britons may have done a really savage one to get this support,” he said.

The ambassador said that details of British investigations into the deaths of several high-profile people with Russian ties have been kept from the public.

“I am sure Russia will not allow the Britons to escape the legal field. They will have to give answers,” he said.

I have no idea if Russia will ever be able to expose this or not.

But we should be doing our part.

I know a lot of you readers – ye trolls – are not so specifically interested in this case as you are in many other things we talk about on here, but seriously, this is a big deal, so do what you can to get the world out about this.

We are witnessing a bizarre, manufactured series of events as a run-up to WWIII as if in slow-motion.

But you know – who the hell knows.

Maybe a third world war is our destiny as humans.


Maybe atomic fire will finally cleanse us.