Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 13, 2015

I grew up in a middle class White suburb. The default politics of the community were very liberal when it came to race specifically because there were exactly three Black kids at a high school of 1400 students.
It was not until I got out into the big wide world that I realized race problems. However, most who grow up in these suburban White enclaves never do leave the comfort of the cave, and so are never forced by circumstance to look at the truth about race.
These are the types of people who form the vanguard of the social justice movement. All of those pushing the hardest for diversity have never dealt with diversity in their own lives. If they had dealt with diversity, the overwhelming majority of them would have different feelings towards it.
That is why I am happy that Obama is pushing through with his plot to bring diversity to every well-off (White) neighborhood in America.
A final Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rule due out this month is aimed at ending decades of deep-rooted segregation around the country.
The regulations would use grant money as an incentive for communities to build affordable housing in more affluent areas while also taking steps to upgrade poorer areas with better schools, parks, libraries, grocery stores and transportation routes as part of a gentrification of those communities.
“HUD is working with communities across the country to fulfill the promise of equal opportunity for all,” a HUD spokeswoman said. “The proposed policy seeks to break down barriers to access to opportunity in communities supported by HUD funds.”
HUD is going to break down barriers so niggas can kick down front doors.
“We have a history of putting affordable housing in poor communities,” said Debby Goldberg, vice president at the National Fair Housing Alliance.
I wonder how many niggas Ms. Goldberg has runnin round her hood?
HUD says it is obligated to take the action under the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which prohibited direct and intentional housing discrimination, such as a real estate agent not showing a home in a wealthy neighborhood to a black family or a bank not providing a loan based on someone’s race.
The agency is also looking to root out more subtle forms of discrimination that take shape in local government policies that unintentionally harm minority communities, known as “disparate impact.”
So, the idea is that the only way Blacks can succeed is to leech off of the success of Whites?
But I wonder why Whites are so successful when they pretend to be Black?
“This rule is not about forcing anyone to live anywhere they don’t want to,” said Margery Turner, senior vice president at the left-leaning Urban Institute. “It’s really about addressing long-standing practices that prevent people from living where they want to.”
“In our country, decades of public policies and institutional practices have built deeply segregated and unequal neighborhoods,” Turner said.
I think it probably has more to do with the fact that neither Blacks or Whites want to live around the other. The argument that Whites have run away from Blacks is also ridiculous, as that simply means they had a reason not to want to be around these people.
Oh, right. Hatred for the color of the skin. I forgot.
Children growing up in poor communities have less of a chance of succeeding in life, because they face greater exposure to violence and crime, and less access to quality education and health facilities, Turner suggested.
What I think you mean is that Black people have less of a chance of succeeding in life because they are Black. Otherwise, poor White communities in Appalachia would have the same level of violence and crime as poor Black communities across the country.
And they don’t.
“Segregation is clearly a problem that is blocking upward mobility for children growing up today,” she said.
To qualify for certain funds under the regulations, cities would be required to examine patterns of segregation in neighborhoods and develop plans to address it. Those that don’t could see the funds they use to improve blighted neighborhoods disappear, critics of the rule say.
That means that cities would be required to move Blacks into middle class White neighborhoods.
Yes. Do it. We want you to do it.
Show these smug bastards what is happening on the ground across this country.