Farage Does What We Hoped He Would Do, Allies with Far Right

Daily Stormer
June 19, 2014

Nigel, you old rascal.  We knew you were on our side.
Nigel, you old rascal. We knew you were on our side.

Good news, people: Nigel’s pledge not to ally with the far right was indeed a fake-out.

I won’t hold my breath for him to embrace the Golden Dawn, but this is very big news.

From the Guardian:

Nigel Farage has joined forces in the European parliament with a Swedish party that was founded by white supremacists, including a former member of the Waffen SS. In an apparent change of tack, after he pledged to avoid parties on the far right, the Ukip leader also invited a French MEP who was elected for Marine Le Pen’s Front National last month to join his pan-European group in the parliament.

Ukip insisted last night that Farage had not broken his word because the two Sweden Democrat MEPs, Kristina Winberg and Peter Lundgren, were obliged to write a letter to the Ukip leader distancing themselves from their party’s past.

Joëlle Bergeron, who left the FN two days after the European elections last month, also wrote to Emmanuel Bordez, the secretary general of Farage’s Europe of Freedom and Democracy group, distancing herself from Le Pen’s party.

But the Liberal Democrats last night attacked Farage’s decision to allow such controversial figures into his group, which now has MEPs from seven EU member states – the minimum to form a group. A senior Lib Dem source said: “Regardless of your views on Europe, it is hard to see how British MEPs hanging around the European parliament with the dregs of the far right is going to be of any benefit to British jobs and growth.”