Farage to Get Own TV Program After BBC Exposed for Audience Fixing

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
April 19, 2015

The 3 women that Farage was up against all had a group hug afterwards, demonstrating that their loyalties were only to each other and not to their parties, or the half of the population who are male.

An investigation into the recent BBC election debacle which featured the leaders of 4 socialist parties and UKIP has shown that 70% of the audience were Leftists.

Nigel Farage called the BBC out on this and they denied fixing the audience, even though it was obvious to all that they had.

In an attempt to make up for their deception the BBC will now be giving Farage a half-hour program all to himself, where he can then answer the audience’s questions.

Lets hope they do actually allow some genuine straight White Britons in this time.

Farage called the BBC out live on air for fixing the audience.


He will take audience questions in a 30-minute programme called Election 2015: Ask Nigel Farage.

…The announcement followed an Express.co.uk investigation into Thursday’s debate featuring the leaders of “challenger” parties which revealed just ONE THIRD of the hand-picked audience leaned towards the political right.

The Ukip leader was booed on the programme when he suggested the make-up of the BBC election debate audience was left wing “even by the left-wing standards of the BBC”.

Host David Dimbleby even insisted the audience had been “carefully chosen” by independent polling organisation ICM to represent the balance between all parties.

Nigel Farage will now be getting his own TV program to make up for the BBC’s deception.