Times of Malta
June 7, 2014

Britain’s top anti-EU campaigner, UKIP leader Nigel Farage, vowed today that he would not rest until he destroyed “the monster” which is called the European Union.
He also said that Malta would be better off outside the EU, particularly if it wanted to develop its financial services industry.
Mr Farage made his remarks when addressing a three-day conference organised by the Institute of Travel and Tourism of the UK in Malta.
He said that if UKIP did well in next year’s UK election, it might hold the balance of power and force a referendum on UK’s membership in the EU.
The UKIP leader said that the message conveyed by the people in the MEP elections in which the UKIP won the highest number of votes in the UK, was that the EU as well as it single currency had no future.
He also said that as one of seven EU parliament vice-presidents he was relishing the opportunity to meet top EU leaders. “Angela Merkel in real life is even more miserable than she should be,” he said sarcastically.
Mr Farage said that Britain’s EU membership was like a square peg in a round hole.