Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 6, 2015

Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam cult, has apparently called for a violent race war in America.
Farrakhan posted a Tweet – linking to a video on Facebook – wherein he said “I’m calling on all Black soldiers in the U.S. Armed Forces to come home, unite & fight for our own lives.”

Imagine if a White man was telling soldiers to come home from the war and fight for their race.
“We believe that local government, state government and federal government should always be on the side of truth and justice where the citizenry is concerned, no matter what the color,” Farrakhan says in the video, before going on to talk about Michael Brown – the video was recorded before the US government admitted that Brown’s death being anything other than self-defense on the part of officer Wilson was a hoax invented by them and the media. He also mentioned other recent Black martyrs, whose martyrdom will soon be shown to be a hoax as well.
“And government, instead of standing up when the state fails, or when the city fails — we expect the government to intercede,” Farrakhan said. “We want an immediate end to police brutality and mob attacks. Don’t you want that too?” he asked the vicious crowd.
He then moved into apparent calls for violence.
“If the government cannot protect our lives … why are you in the Armed Forces, fighting for a democracy that you don’t have at home?” he said. “Why are you in the Armed Forces of America going overseas to fight somebody that never did a thing to you and act pitiful when your own people are shot down in front of you?”
He continued, “I’m calling on all the soldiers that fight for America, come home and let’s unite and fight for our lives that the federal government refuses to fight for us. Then we must fight for ourselves.”
Farrakhan used to be liked by White Nationalist types because he seemed to blame the Jews instead of Whites, and also seemed to want separation rather than to advance Black parasitism in the way Sharpton and Jackson encourage. These positions came into question when he supported Barack Obama as President; following this, he progressively began to lose the plot.