FashWave Friday: ~ C Y B E R N Δ Z I ~ Edition

Colonel Gunter Brumm
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2017

Well, here we are!

First off: FashWave is in the news again. The Jews have discovered Trumpwave. VICE wrote it up. It’s actually the most detailed article yet.

And now, a special feature.

Daily Stormer exclusive.

C Y B E R N Δ Z I Interview

This week it was my privilege to spend some time with the World Famous CyberNazi at a very swanky restaurant where we spoke for hours about everything from history, art, women, eugenics, politics and music. After dessert, we did a proper interview.

So, tell us about your musical development.

Cybernazi isn’t a random chosen name, its my inspiration. Due to my deep adherence to National Socialism its my duty to do what I can do for the cause. All of us have our own mission, and my mission is music. In the same way that a soldier fights his enemies with weapons, I fight in a cultural war against the degeneracy promoted by jews.

I’m a classical trained musician and I’ve been playing piano since 10 years. My first instrument was a cheap home keyboard with general midi sounds, it was perfect for me because I felt like I had a wide spectrum of sounds to work with.

It was the year 2004 and I didn’t like the mainstream africanized jew music of that era. Classical music was my cultural haven against the filth that surrounded me so I started composing piano music inspired by J.S.Bach mostly. I gradually got closer to the world of computers, but, since I had no money for cutting-edge technology from these years, I had to settle for more archaic means, having to work with the old computers in my house. This fact was fundamental to develop my taste for the nostalgic and outdated. In addition, everything from the past decades seemed nicer to me: Old anime, vintage cars, retro videogames. So I looked for a way to combine everything.

So, tell us about your philosophical development.

My approach to National Socialism came in three ways:

– Battlefield 1942: This game, is for me, one of the best WWII videogame ever. With a minimal political correctness, I had the opportunity of playing in both sides, allies and axis. As I wasn’t full brainwashed by public education, I was able to observe the beauty of squared, aesthetic panzers and German weapons, instead the cheap shermans.

– Some books of official WWII history: I had a growing interest in the Second World War, so I started to buy some books with pictures, graphics and biographies. During those years, I was convinced about this official history, the Germans were the bad guys. But thew more I learned the more something didnt add up, i grew uneasy and i started asking questions, specifically about jews.

– These questions got me to take the red pill, I began to come across information that I could not refute with the information I had. Eventually I found the truth and National Socialism imparted a deep logical and mystical meaning to my life. It changed everything.

So, tell us what it is that you try to communicate through your music.

I try to convey that we are National Socialists and that this spirit is very much alive today and not just in black and white newsreels. Fashwave today is here to continue this important work. To show not only the aesthetics of National Socialism but to represent it as a coherent system of life that creates envy in those with no direction and no goals in life. I try to share the idea that National Socialism is the only way to reach true happiness.

I want to encourage the Alt Right not to fear to be a real Fascist, a real National Socialist, a real human being.

So, tell us about your albums.

This is my info:

Bandcamp: https://cybernazi.bandcamp.com/

Twitter: @CYBERNAZI1

I released a new album on Christmas. Its Called Angry Goy

You should all go support CYBERNAZI.

Look at what the man is dealing with.

smdh 2017 no freedoms.

His channel is still up, however. Just the one video shoah’d.

Without further ado – Fashwave.

And here’s some fashy art for you retro goys.