Fashwave Musician Xurious Hit in Latest YouTube Purge

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 7, 2019

Over the weekend, I wrote about how it isn’t simply political speech that is being banned in our current climate of censorship, but entire categories of art.

Then on Wednesday, the synth musician Xurious was banned from YouTube as part of their latest big weird purge, organized by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League.

Everything he says in that thread is stuff we take for granted, of course. But imagine that we take that for granted. Imagine how deep in we now are, that we read something like that and sarcastically say “Oh really? The Jews steal the First Amendment rights of white people for simply existing while promoting nonwhites talking about killing whites? Next you’re going to tell me the sky is blue!”

For the time being, you can still find Xurious on Soundcloud, Facebook and Bitchute.

There are also quite a few uploads from various unofficial accounts that haven’t been banned yet still on YouTube.

Understand: this music does not have lyrics. So there is no overt political content here.

Banning this is an especially telling development. It demonstrates that these Jews are not only concerned about political speech, but also about the idea that people – goyim – may be able to escape their cultural machine by developing their own organic culture.

They do not want you watching Sam Hyde or Murdoch Murdoch. They want you watching black scientific geniuses (who are also totally alpha and jacked – basically superhuman godpeople) fucking white women on Netflix.

They don’t want you listening to Xurious’ inspirational instrumental music. They want you listening to that “Havana na-na-na” song, which appears to me to be some kind of satanic ritual mind control noise.

When the slippery slope that we’ve seen applied to political speech gets applied to art, how far will this go?

And in what direction, I wonder?

I can tell you – Morrissey is gone. YouTube will ban the entire The Smiths catalog in the next 18 months.

I’m currently very interested in trying to work out what exactly the censorship landscape will look like in 2024. It’s fascinating to think about. (Expect a big article about that in the near future.)

Basically, what they are doing is 100% effective. The idea that they would ever need to somehow repeal the First Amendment, or pass hate speech laws, is proved to be completely wrong. They can totally remove all forms of free speech on the internet, because all of the infrastructure is controlled by private companies (even though it was largely paid for by the taxpayer).

And if anyone in the Republican Party was going to do anything about this, they already would have done so. This is not going to stop. If Stephen Crowder is now the target, then that wipes out really any form of “conservatism” entirely. And once they remove all of the conservatives, there will be no one left to even pretend to be standing up for free speech, and we will basically be living in a Stalinist type one party system, where all information is filtered by a monolithic establishment.

I thought there was going to be a several-years-long period after they’d removed the real right-wing, where controlled opposition figures led by Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson were going to be allowed to stick around. But with the hammer coming down on Crowder so soon, I’m thinking that the transition phase is going to be relatively short. Yes, the likes of Shapiro will be the last to be banned, but they will be banned soon after everyone else has been cleaned up.

Then, you’re just in single party world, where every aspect of the entire environment exists to kike you.

Furthermore, they’ve established that if any individual veers from the party line, they don’t need to arrest him, because they can have him kicked out of school or fired from his job. They can send people to put up flyers in his neighborhood. They can send a mob of masked men to surround his home.

And of course, organizing in public is completely off limits. They will send masked men to attack you, and if you try to defend yourself, you will go to prison, or at least go to jail and spend tens of thousands of dollars trying to stay out of prison.

We are talking about an absolutely totalitarian system, which is so very much worse than the Soviet Union ever was.

And it really is hilarious that they are enforcing this system under the guise of libertarianism and the “personal freedom” of multinational monopolistic corporations. 

I mean, as Jewish jokes go, that is a really, really funny one.

It’s Rodney Dangerfield tier.