Fast Times at SwedeMall: Sweden’s Largest Shopping Center a Non-Stop Ficki Ficki Fest

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2017

Sweden is turning into friggin COBRA!

Man, I lubs me some Cobra.

Maybe I should move to Sweden, where the Cobra dream has come true?

Daily Express:

Female workers at Sweden’s largest shopping centre are living in constant fear of verbal assaults and sex attacks as migrant youth gangs have turned the area into a “no-go zone”.

Earlier this month Gothenburg police admitted Nordstan shopping centre was descending into lawless chaos as young immigrants intimidated police, harassed girls and dealt drugs openly.

As the shopping centre has become a central hub for youngsters to meet, the authorities have been forced to implement extraordinary measures to cope with the increased number of incidents.

However, female workers at Nordstan have now come forward saying they are living in constant fear because of the criminal youth gangs who turn out in force as the stores close at 8pm.

Emma is one of the employees who has been exposed to the thugs and the 24-year-old said she is often verbally abused while she is working.

Describing how the youth gangs who descend on the stores during the evenings are difficult to handle, Emma told Expressen: “It’s sexual harassment.

“I’m told they would like to do both this and that with me. They say I’m attractive, ask me when I’m off work.”

Despite saying it is a regular occurrence, the young woman said she had not reported it to the police because it would not change anything.

Linnea Lorentsson, who is also employed at Nordstan shared Emma’s view that the shopping centre, which is Sweden’s largest in terms of sales and number of visitors, is unsafe.

Talking about how women are regularly followed and catcalled by the migrant gangs, she said: “It feels scary.

“I would never go to Nordstan in my spare time. Why would you go to a place you don’t feel safe?

“Girls have to put up with a lot here. People shout after you, you’re starred at. They sometimes follow you.”

Police spokeswoman Ulla Brehm said women working in the stores at Nordstan were particularly exposed to the thuggish behaviour because they cannot walk away from the terrifying situations.

“The women who are working in the stores are especially exposed because they cannot choose to leave,” the spokeswoman said.

“They have to stand there and listen to it. At the same time, there are many women who are exposed when they leave work at Nordstan or on the tram.”

Ms Brehm added: “I know it is a large problem for women who are surrounded by these boys or men in Norstan. It is terrible and it is a criminal offence.”

Other incidents at the shopping centre, which is located in south-west Sweden, include a teenager being robbed while a broken glass bottle was held to his throat, a shopkeeper being threatened after he tried to stop thugs from stealing, and a teenager allegedly being stabbed in the neck.

Rikard Sorensen, one of the team managers of the city police, condemned the situation as he made a clear dig at the liberal country’s immigration policy, as many of the foreign youths wreaking havoc lacked identification papers.

“I’ve had people in front of me that look like they are 35, but who claim to be 15. I can’t prove they’re lying so we have to release them,” Mr Sorensen said.

Swedish ladies, this reminds me of sweet diddy by a little man I like to call Cat Stevens.

His real name is actually “Yusuf Islam” though.

I guess he’s Swedish.

Hear that, Swedish women?

A lot of nice things turn bad out there.

Like when the nice signally feeling you have when you act like you’re mother Theresa for supporting your country being invaded by primitive savages turns into the bad feeling of getting punched in the face, thrown on the ground and gang-raped by those selfsame savages.