Fasting Log: By Day 3, Digestion is Complete, And Things Start to Clear Up

After day three of complete fasting, you are finished digesting whatever food was left in your belly. At this point, you have energy, even though that is counterintuitive. This is because digestion is one of the most energy-intensive activity your body does.

Once your body is finished digesting whatever is left in your system, you get a boost of energy. It’s still not as much energy as you have when you’re eating food, however. But it’s much better than the first three days of the fast.

I’m fully convinced now that this is a magical cure for all ailments, which is why it is in the Bible and all of the other holy books, and also why it is never encouraged by modern medicine. If you read the Chinese medical papers, they are recommending it constantly, because the Chinese are not sickeningly corrupt like the Americans, where every medical study tells you to take the newest drugs from Pfizer.

The NIH is publishing these studies now, because they are peer-reviewed and they sort of have to publish them, but let’s check the names of the doctors.

(I’m aware some of those are Korean names, so please do not feel a need to tell me that. The point remains: they are outside of the Western pharma system.)

Now, let’s see what Finnell, Saul, Goldhamer, and Myers are saying.

Interesting, no?

It’s almost like Jews are really bad people who don’t care about your health. If I didn’t know they were God’s chosen ones, and therefore incapable of wrongdoing, I would really wonder about that.

Although I don’t feel as tired as I did the last couple days, I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to contribute to the site over the next few days. I might do some small things. I watched Theo Von’s interview with Candace Owens, and I’ve never been more impressed with her. Frankly, she seems to be the only right-winger in America with any integrity at all. She’s been doing interviews with Harvey Weinstein, and putting together a documentary series showing he’s not guilty of those things he was charged with, which is obviously something I said from the beginning.

All these right-wing internet people are such unbelievable scumbags. It’s unbelievable. Right-wing personalities are the taxi drivers of the internet. These people would fuck you over, throw your mother down stairs for $8. They’d drown a baby to avoid an uncomfortable conversation with an FBI agent.

I recommend fasting to everyone, particularly anyone with any kind of lingering health issues. I should also note that I have alcoholism, but when not eating, there is no feeling of a need to drink either. I think anyone with a basic willpower can stop eating if they want to. Most people have no willpower, because this society doesn’t teach it and it doesn’t reward it. But not eating is not exactly the most difficult thing I’ve ever done, or even anywhere close.

I have a prostate problem, a liver problem, and crippling depression. I’m expecting this to solve all of these problems.

My objective now is eight days, but I might push it further if I think that seems like a good idea. Ten days seems like a good round number, but then so does 14 days.

If you’re thinking about this, I would not worry about muscle mass loss. It will all come back quickly. And frankly, you probably have a lot more fat than you’re aware of, which will disappear long before muscles start to atrophy. I mean, if you’re anything like the average person in America, you could fast for months on end and never lose muscle mass. Of course, you can’t work out while you’re fasting, you can only pray and relax and apparently blog about it.