Fat Bastard Christie Throws Self Under Bus, Splashing Lard

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 10, 2016


Another failed loser has thrown himself under the bus.

Real Clear Politics:

After a disappointing sixth-place finish in New Hampshire’s primary, to which he had staked his presidential prospects, the New Jersey governor has decided to drop out of the race, according to reports.

As of last week, things did not look promising for Christie: His poll numbers were stagnating and two other moderate governors, Jeb Bush and John Kasich, were gathering steam in the Granite State.

But then Christie took the stage Saturday at the Republican debate in Manchester — where he tore Sen. Marco Rubio apart.

“There it is, the memorized 25-second speech,” Christie declared when Rubio repeated a talking point about President Obama’s intention to change the fabric of the country. That moment seriously wounded Rubio. Before the debate the Florida senator was widely expected to finish in second place, but instead placed fifth.

The debate could have marked a breakthrough for Christie. Instead, it was a monumental, fiery last stand.

Yeah. At least he tripped up spic Rubio before he did the bus dive.

Probably, a couple others will bus-dive in the next couple days.

This is where we’re at:

  • Trump
  • Cruz
  • Rubio
  • Kasich
  • Jeb Bush

In probably that order.

That bitch with the bad plastic surgery and the Black guy are going to drop out before South Carolina, probably. It’s actually better if they don’t, however. Make the mess all the more confusing for the evangelicals trying to sink America.

Trump voters already know where their loyalties lie. They aren’t going to get duped.