Fat Black Ogress Jumps Out of Bus and Strangles White Woman Until She Passes Out

The Guardian
June 22, 2015

The White woman was choked to the point of passing out by the sweaty Black bus driver.

A woman was allegedly throttled to the ground by the driver of a London tour bus she had filmed apparently running a red light.

A video of the incident showed shocked passersby rushing to the woman’s aid during the attack in Waterloo, London.

Witnesses said the driver targeted the 27-year-old victim, a graduate at King’s College London, after she appeared to film the Golden Tours vehicle driving through a red light.

The driver, a woman in her 30s, left the empty blue double-decker in the middle of Stamford Street with the engine still running.

In video footage obtained by the Evening Standard, the victim can be heard screaming: “Let go of me, you need to let go of me,” as she appears to be grabbed by the throat.

If a White man hadn’t pulled the creature away, it probably would have killed and eaten her.

The driver can be heard saying: “You took my picture! Delete my picture,” as she continues to wrestle a handbag off the woman.

Drivers sounded their horns and cyclists were forced to swerve as the two women grappled in the street, before the driver dragged the pedestrian to the roadside, where she collapsed.

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