Fat Luciana Berger Claims Another Scalp: Troll Jailed Over Alleged “Anti-Semitic Death Threat”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 11, 2017

Our old enemy Luciana Berger is back, and she’s now taken the title of “fattest kike in merry old England.”

The greasy Jewish wench is up to her old tricks again, getting people arrested for alleged crimes of speaking their mind.

Daily Mail:

An internet troll has been jailed after making anti-Semitic death threats to a Labour MP, telling her she would ‘get it like Jo Cox’.

John Nimmo, 28, from South Shields, sent two threatening emails to Luciana Berger.

The messages included a picture of a large knife and Ms Berger was told to ‘watch your back Jewish scum’.

The messages to the MP for Liverpool Wavertree came just three weeks after fellow MP Jo Cox was killed.

The former shadow minister for mental health said the messages had caused her ‘great fear and anguish’.

She said: ‘It caused me to feel physically sick being threatened in such a way.

‘I was extremely concerned for my safety and I felt completely under threat.

‘I had previously received anti-Semitic messages and threats but the reference to Jo Cox was terrifying.

‘The biggest concern was not knowing who this was, for all I knew the offender could have resided next door to me.’

That is to say: “oy vey, it’s like another Shoah.”

And we don’t even know if these emails made threats or not. They have not produced the actual emails.

He looks like a good lad.

In a separate incident he sent offensive emails to an anti-hate crime organisation including threats to burn down a mosque.

Prosecutor Mark Giuliani told Newcastle Crown Court the messages to Faith Matters, which offer an online hate crime reporting system, included pictures of dead bodies and the words death to Muslims.

Nimmo, who appeared by video link from prison, was also sentenced for three charges relating to anti-Semitic tweets and accusing a woman of being a paedophile.

Nimmo was imprisoned in 2014 for eight weeks after sending abusive messages on Twitter to feminist campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez and MP Stella Creasy.

It came after Ms Criado-Perez led a campaign using social media for a female figure to appear on a Bank of England note.

Jailing him for two years and three months for the nine offences, Judge Robert Adams said he ’caused terror, fear and paranoia’.

Two years and three months.

For messages sent from his computer.


He said the crimes were cowardly attacks ‘done from the comfort of your own home where you thought you could never be identified which caused misery to other people’.

He said the attack on Ms Berger was the most serious of them all, because ‘it involved a lady who is Jewish and a democratically elected Member of Parliament’.

Yes, of course it’s more serious if she’s Jewish.

After all, they’re god’s chosen people, donchano mate?

Vic Laffey, defending, said the offences had caused ‘enormous distress’ to the victims and said Nimmo lived an isolated life and suffered from Aspergerss Syndrome.

Speaking after the sentencing, Ms Berger said: ‘Every day, up and down our country, people experience vile racist abuse, harassment and violence.

‘Too often people feel that they can’t report these horrific crimes.

‘I hope that if any good at all can come from this traumatic experience it is that others will see that you do not have to suffer in silence. Action will be taken.

‘I would encourage anyone affected to report these crimes.

‘Together, we can stand up to and defeat the racists in our communities.’

You’re the racist, you fat slobbery Jew.

You come to someone else’s country then demand they do everything to make you feel comfortable – including imprisoning their own countrymen.

It’s absolutely disgusting.

Take Note

Remember that this can happen to you.

If you are in the US and sending hate messages, make sure there is nothing that could be construed as a threat. If you’re in a country with hatespeech laws, you probably want to avoid sending anyone direct hate messages of any kind. It just isn’t ever really clear what is or isn’t hatespeech under these laws.

Anyway – here’s her twitter.
