Daily Stormer
January 14, 2014

Proving once again that non-Whites are not only predatory criminals, but also usually sexual perverts and definitely always stupid, a pair of fat Mexicans who stole the Samsung S3 and wallet of a Brooklyn mother have used the phone to post sex pictures of themselves on her Dropbox account.

Victoria Brodsky was found on the floor of her home, curled up in the fetal position in a pool of her own vomit, sobbing uncontrollably.
From the NY Daily News:
“It seemed like they were getting off after taking the phone,” said the shocked Victoria Brodsky, 39, of the treasure trove of images, which include the man and woman showing it all for the camera. “I would love it if they were caught.”
[…]Brodsky, who lives in Brighton Beach, had planned to forget about the month-old phone, but the sight of the brazen couple’s shameless frolicking makes her want justice.
“It’s one thing to steal, but they’re celebrating,” said Brodsky of the 26 pictures and one pornographic video that showed up in her account between August and September.
The saga began Aug. 25, 2013, when Brodsky and friends took their young kids to a street fair on Brighton Beach Ave.
The small group steered through a crowd of people at one point while Brodsky pushed a stroller, she recalled.
She later discovered her wallet and cell phone missing from her purse, she said.
Brodsky quickly contacted the cops. Police sources claim she told officers she lost the cell phone and didn’t think she was the victim of a crime, but Brodsky disputes that. She said cops told her they were classifying the phone as lost because she hadn’t seen anyone actually take it.
[…]A week later, the photos began to show up.
The Samsung was linked to Brodsky’s account with Dropbox, a site used to back up photos and other files. Pictures of a couple she had never seen automatically loaded into her account.
The photos started innocently enough with pictures of the woman and the man, but then a batch of racy selfies appeared on Sept. 1.The man and woman make kissy faces in some, and then disrobe. They lie naked on a mattress, staring into Brodsky’s phone.
The final post of the day was an X-rated video of the couple half-heartedly engaged in a hardcore sex act.
Brodsky was stunned by what she was seeing, but she also couldn’t help but notice the trysting thieves seemed to love her cell phone’s camera more than each other.
“Sex looks very boring in their house,” she said.