Four Fat People Dead in Horror Movie Type Situation

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 4, 2018

I’m sorry, but I just can’t bring myself to care if fat people die.

Also, I’m not sorry.

Fox News:

A mother and her three young children were found dead in a North Dakota home Thursday in an apparent triple murder-suicide, police said.

Astra Volk, 35, and her children — Tyler Talmage, 14, Aidan Talmage, 10, and Arianna Talmage, 6 — all died from gunshot wounds. A handgun was found at the scene in the Grand Forks home and police said no suspects were being sought. It was not immediately clear if the handgun found was the one used in the shootings, the Grand Forks Heraldreported.

Police went to the home Thursday morning after administrators at Lewis and Clark Elementary School asked police to check on the family. The responding officer saw what appeared to be a body inside the home and went inside.

Anyway – gross story.

I am really tired of all of these gruesome horror stories. I find them emotionally draining. I should probably just stop writing about them. I’m not really even sure there is any point to make here – “random fat woman kills fat children, then self – probably due to problems.”

America is sick, sick, sick.

The same decadent kike sickness that caused the obesity caused the gruesome murder-suicide dealie.