Fat Swedish Teen Joined ISIS with Haji BF, Says It was an Accident

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 25, 2016

What the hell is this crap?

Oh right.

Just your women being stolen from you by the gangs of hajis you allowed in your base.

A Swedish teenager rescued from ISIL fanatics in Iraq has said she was duped into going there by her boyfriend, describing life in the so-called caliphate as “really hard”.

Kurdish special forces recovered the 16-year-old on February 17 in northern Iraq, where she was due to be handed over to the Swedish authorities.

The girl told a Kurdish TV station that she met her boyfriend in Sweden in mid-2014 after dropping out of school.

She was duped!

A victim!

She didn’t even know what the hell was going on – she certainly didn’t know she’d have to live in a house without electricity or running water!

Can you imagine a teenage boy going to join ISIS with an older Arab female and being like “oh, well, she tricked me. I’d never heard of ISIS. She showed me videos, but somehow I still didn’t understand the plan.”

No. You can’t imagine that.

The boy would be held accountable for his actions.

But girls aren’t. They have all the power of men now, and virtually no responsibility whatsoever. They still get treated like children by men, but feminists don’t complain about that – even though you would think it would be degrading to them – because it’s an advantage for the female collective.

But nevermind all that noise.

Here’s the important issue:

These women will side with the winners, Whitey. Every single time, they will side with the winners.

Protip: Right now, you are not the winners.