Daily Stormer
April 10, 2015

The real leader of the National Front has responded to his usurper daughter.
Jean-Marie Le Pen has said that he will not be leaving politics, despite this unleashed woman’s outrageous demands.
Marine Le Pen said on Thursday she would seek disciplinary action against her father after the 86-year-old was quoted this week calling France’s Spanish-born Prime Minister Manuel Valls “the immigrant”.
He also defended Philippe Petain, the leader of the war-time government that cooperated with Nazi Germany. Last week he defended a past comment that Nazi gas chambers were a “detail of history”.
Asked on RTL radio whether he would stay in politics, he said: “Obviously – I’m a politician.”
Jean-Marie Le Pen said he would fight any disciplinary action by the party’s leadership and would seek the party’s candidacy for the presidency of the southeastern Provence, Alps and Cote d’Azur region, a move his daughter opposes.
Le Pen, who is the party’s honorary president, is loathe to see it dilute the anti-establishment image that he nourished for decades. “Madame Le Pen is blowing up her own party,” he said.
It very much looks that Madame Le Pen is blowing up her own party.
What a complete disaster.