Daily Stormer
April 13, 2015

After angering the Jews with some light-weight statements about their hoax, Jean-Marie Le Pen was attacked by his own daughter, who stepped up to defend the honor of the Christ-Killers.
For a while it looked at though Papa Le Pen was going to put his daughter back in her place, but alas – no dice.
Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of France’s National Front, said he was pulling out of regional elections Monday after a row with his daughter who now leads the far-right party.
He told the Figaro magazine he would not be standing in the southeast of France for the party even though “I think I was the best candidate for the National Front.”
But in stepping down, the 86-year-old appeared to get in another dig at his daughter, who has been trying to clean up the party’s racist and anti-Semitic image in a bid to make it more electable.
Asked by the Figaro who should stand in his place, he anointed his granddaughter Marion Marechal-Le Pen, 25, a rising star in the party with social views considered more conservative than Marine’s.“If she accepts, I think she would head a very good list (of candidates). She is certainly the best, I am not going to say after me, but she is,” he told the magazine.
On Friday, Jean-Marie Le Pen vowed Friday to hit back at his daughter Marine, as a family and political feud grew increasingly bitter.
Marine, the party president, “is blowing up her own party … it’s not me killing myself, it’s she who is shooting herself in the foot,” the 86-year-old told RTL radio.
Jean-Marie appeared to be in no mood to back down, saying: “I will defend myself” and “probably go on the attack.”
Marine should get back in the kitchen and let men do this job, because this nationalism-lite is totally gay.

Obviously her father feels that the most important thing is for the party to get power by any means necessary, but what difference will it make if they get power and it is just a gaggle of Jews Jewing everyone?
The EU vote is important, and Marine is still on that, but other than that, all of the issues are gone. She isn’t even talking about deporting Moslems anymore, and has said there is such a thing as “French Moslems.”
This is why you don’t allow women in politics. Nothing good will ever come of it. Remember this.