Father of Child Killed by Illegal Immigrant Demands Primitive Ape Leader Visit His Son’s Grave

Daily Stormer
September 3, 2014

"Muffuggen b gis dem kees, dem oder muffuggas, bees ol upindis beetch.  Fridums, murrrfurrger." -Barack Obama, explaining the importance of mass immigration to save the freedoms
“Muffuggen b gis dem kees, dem oder muffuggas, bees ol upindis beetch. Fridums, murrrfurrger.” -Barack Obama, explaining the importance of mass immigration to save the freedoms
Just as no little girls would have been kidnapped, drugged and raped if there had been no Pakis imported into the UK, there would be thousands of White Americans still alive if it were not for these Mexicans that ZOG has brought into the US.

Washington Times:

The father of a man killed by an illegal immigrant in a car crash has challenged President Obama to visit his son’s grave before declaring any executive action halting deportations.

In a letter that Don Rosenberg sent last month to Mr. Obama through top officials at the Homeland Security Department, the grieving father said his son Drew might be alive had the federal government deported illegal immigrants who had run-ins with the law.

“My son and all of the others are considered collateral damage in the quest for votes and campaign contributions,” he wrote. “Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime.”

Mr. Rosenberg’s son was killed while riding his motorcycle in 2010 when Roberto Galo, an illegal immigrant, made an illegal turn and crashed into him. Mr. Rosenberg said the man, who was driving without a license, ran over his son three times as he tried to flee the scene.

Obviously, that is a Jewy-sounding name (though it could also be German). Either way, this situation is extremely positive, in that it clearly shows that we are literally dying for diversity.

This boy would still be alive if it were not for immigration.