FBI Director Says That New Agents Must Go Through Mandatory Holocaust Hoax Program

Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2015

"Yes, you will attend this mandatory Holocaust program. Nothing is more important to me than making sure you new agents are well-versed in the wholesale gassing, soaping, and lampshading of six billion Jews." - James Comey, director of the FBI
“Yes, you will attend this mandatory Holocaust program. Nothing is more important to me than making sure you new agents are well-versed in the wholesale gassing, soaping, and lampshading of six billion Jews.” – James Comey, director of the FBI

Because the Holocaust is the most significant historical event hoax in world history, FBI director James Comey felt it necessary to require new FBI agents to attend a program about this hoax.


“It is of course significant because it was the most horrific display in the world of inhumanity,” Comey told the 1,000 donors, dignitaries and survivors at the dinner. “But I believe it was also the most horrific display in world history of our humanity, of our capacity for evil and for moral surrender.”

He added, “Good people helped to murder millions. And that’s the most frightening lesson of all. That is why I send our agents and our analysts to the museum. I want them to stare at us and realize our capacity for rationalization and moral surrender.”

I can’t wait for the day when everyone will know just how ridiculous the Jews’ Holocaust narrative is.