FBI Interviews Madam Clinton Regarding Her Illegal Email Server

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2016


The Day of Reckoning cometh.

I don’t think it is a coincidence that this comes just after the secret Lynch-Bill meeting.

This whole thing could quite possibly be unraveling.

New York Times:

The F.B.I. interviewed Hillary Clinton on Saturday morning for its investigation into whether she or her aides broke the law by setting up a private email server for her use as secretary of state, her campaign said.

Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was secretary,” Nick Merrill, a campaign spokesman, said in a statement. “She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion.”

Well, at least she went to the meeting voluntarily.

As opposed to having been forced.

Seriously, she needs a new PR staff. Including the word “voluntary” there is intended to make it like “ah well, she wanted to go herself, just to set the record straight,” but in actual reality it just brings one’s mind to the fact that if she’d refused to voluntarily attend a meeting, she would have been handcuffed and dragged into the meeting.

The campaign declined to elaborate on the substance of the interview, which lasted about three and a half hours at F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington. Shortly afterward, two black S.U.V.s were seen returning to Mrs. Clinton’s house in the capital.

Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private server and Republicans’ continued attacks have chipped away at her trust numbers. A Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday found that voters deemed Mr. Trump more honest and trustworthy than Mrs. Clinton, 45 percent to 37 percent.

Mrs. Clinton did not cooperate with a State Department inspector general’s audit of her email practices that concluded she had failed to comply with agency policies on record keeping. But her campaign had said she would fully cooperate with the F.B.I.

“To our mind, it made sense to prioritize the review being conducted by the Justice Department, and so, accordingly, Hillary Clinton has said since last August she’d be happy to sit with them at whatever point they approach her, which has not happened yet,” a spokesman, Brian Fallon, told CNN in May.

That’s because Loretta Lynch is the head of the Justice Department. The same Negress meeting secretly with the Madam’s husband.

But if the FBI is now dealing with this directly, without the oversight of Ms. Lynch…

She could be about to have some pretty serious problems.

It may well be that God Himself has ordained a Trump Presidency, and this is how it happens.

emperor trump marches